Airfix Blenheim 1/48
Airfix Blenheim Mk.1 1/48
RAF in Greece, 1941
Biggest plane i have built so far. I love the Blenheim in both 1/72 and 1/48, although the 72nd version has some fitting issues.
I used the AK interactive Middle stone for the paint job, Ammo Mig's Middlestone is way too yellowish. Perhaps that is accurate but i prefer it to be a tad brownish.
The Humbrol 89 Matt Middle Blue is just a beautiful color.
Of course i bough a mask for both sides of the canopy and followed the instructions carefully. This resulted in two mistakes: I forgot to mask one panel on the inside. Of course it had to be the one right in fron of the pilot, meaning i had to clean it at the very end with a toothpick. It is now all scratched up. Can you imagine how furious i was yesterday? Poor wife of mine…
The second mistake is that Airfix tells you to paint three panels on the right hand side of the cockpit, which is wrong. It should be just two. The color instructions got it right but i looked at that too late.
Despite the mistakes (which are hardly noticeable) you did an awesome job on the kit.
Superb paintwork and likewise result! @fxrob
Dear Alfred @alfred, sorry a bit late but nonethless thank you very much for your kind feedback! That made me feel really good, i appreciate it a lot.
Nice work, Felix! Like you, I’ve enjoyed several Airfix Blenheims in both scales.
Dear John @j-healy, sorry for my late reply- thanks a lot for your kind feedback. Yes, the Airfix Blenheims are awesome kits. I hope they release a desert version in 1/72 at some point!
Looks great to me, fine work here. Regarding scratching clear plastic, I‘ve found that using a bit of automotive paint clarifying compound and some gentle elbow grease can remove minor scratches. Using clear floor polish also helps fill in deeper scratches.
Dear Greg @gwfabian, thank you for your piece of advice. I definitely have to give that a try as i just messed up another piece of glass of the new Airfix Mossie.
Great job, Felix!
Hey Gary @gwskat, thank you very much!
I don’t believe that anyone has ever made a 100% perfect model, we all know where the imperfections are, it’s just that no-one else can see them, which is the case with your Blenheim.
Dear John @chinesegeorge, thank you very much for your nice comment and sorry for my late reply. I tend to overdo it with my perfectionism at times and it can be a real struggle. The goal should not be to make a 100% perfect model, just to have a fun time. Which i really forget at times!
An awesome result, Felix! All looking excellent from here!
Thank you Spiros @fiveten! Hope all is well with you despite the heatwaves and fires in Greece!
See no clinkers, only a very well done build and finish. A fine model, Felix.
Hey Bob @bails, thanks a lot for your kind words!
A wonderful looking Blenheim, Felix @fxrob
The desert scheme turned out really nice, a good choice on the brown tints.
Dear John @johnb, sorry for the late reply - thanks a lot for your comments! I also like the desert scheme a lot, especially if the middlestone color selected is not too yellowish.
Looks great! Beautiful build. Well done
Dear David @dbutlr, thank you very much!
Great work. I especially like the camo scheme.
Hi Dale @dtravis, yeah the desert camo is just awesome. Gotta do that again at some point in the future!
Looks great - I always like the desert schemes. Well done!
Dear Greg @gkittinger, sorry for being so slow with answering - thanks for your kind words. I also love the desert scheme, hopefully they release the Beaufort and the Blenheim also with it in 1/72nd scale.
There’s no such thing as a perfect model, at least to who build it! I also can’t see the blemish on the canopy you mention, but self induced bloopers are frequent to all of us I’m sure.
You have a good looking Blenheim there, the Mediterranean camouflage is the most appealing of all RAF used
Dear Pedro @holzhamer, sorry for the late reply - thank you very much for your feedback. I struggle with my perfectionism at times and it tends to take away all of the fun in modelling. I absolutely agree with you, the desert scheme is gorgeous.
Very nice work on this, Felix. the Blenheim is a great kit. You have a great result.
Dear Tom @tcinla, sorry for the late reply but thanks as always for your kind feedback! Yes, the Blenheim is a fun kit.
Nice work Felix, it looks great in the desert scheme!
Dear Bob @v1pro, sorry for my late reply! Thank you very much for your comment. I agree with you, the desert scheme is awesome, i love it!
looking very good!
Nice work Felix, looks really good.
Dear Robert @beauslx, thank you very much for your compliments!
Well done, looks good in the desert scheme. Perfect is the enemy of good enough, and there are far more good builds than perfect ones! A few times I thought I should build another kit of the one I just screwed up, the next one will be perfect. Hasn't happened yet.
Dear Chas @chasbunch, sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for your feedback - it is absolutely on point, done is better than perfect. I tend to forget that sometimes.
It all works Felix. Great paint job and work on the clear parts. Even with the mistakes the kit crosses the finish line in 1st place.
Dear Stephen @stephen-w-towle, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Thank you very much for your generous feedback, the Airfix kit is so awesome it's hard not to get a fun result!
Hey Felix, even with your noted hiccups you have still produced a wonderful Blenheim
Dear Guy, @thom, thanks a lot for your kind feedback! Sometimes my perfectionism gets in the way and takes away all the fun, glad you helped me look at my model with a different attitude
The paint shading is marvelous!
Dear John @jdtruby, thanks a lot for your kind feedback.
I am a fan of anything in RAF desert or Mediterranean schemes and you certainly brought it to life! Well done!
Hi Brian @brianbart, thanks a lot! Yes, i too love the desert scheme. The different blues used for the underside are just lovely.
Great job! Love the paintwork. Fun kit wasn't it? I built mine a month earlier.
Hi Joe @jboyla, thank you so much! Post yours, i am eager to see pictures of it! Which scheme did you choose?
I think this is a fantastic kit, so much detail and everything fits.
Hi Felix. Go to my page. I posted an article back in July about it.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Joe @joeboyla, your build is just great! That scheme is up next for me!