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Alistair Gauld
119 articles

Airfix 1/48 Hawker Hunter GA.11

September 7, 2023 · in Aviation · · 28 · 474

Another belter of a kit from .
The fit was superb and very little filler was needed.

Primed with Nato Black,
Painted with Colourcoats Extra Dark Sea Grey and Light Aircraft Grey.
Tamiya Nato Black, Rubber Black, White mixed a few drops of Buff and Flat Aluminium
Mr. MetalColor Dark Iron
Washed with Flory Dark Dirt, Citadel Nuln Oil, Seraphim Sepia and an oil dot filter using Windsor & Newton Oils.
Finished with Windsor & Newton Galeria Satin Varnish.
Thanks for looking,



Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 1  2 

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28 responses

  1. That's a beautiful build.

  2. Nothing looks better than a Hunter, Alistair (@alistairfgauld). Well done.

  3. That is indeed a superb kit and you have definitely made the most of it, Alistair.

  4. Really great result, Alistair @alistairfgauld

  5. A beautiful build down to every detail and an excellent result as always, Alistair!
    Well done!

  6. A lovely Hunter in a very neat livery.

  7. This is indeed a lovely kit with no issues whatsoever.
    Like your build!

  8. What a gorgeous build. The Airfix Hunter is great and your scheme is pristine, Alistair. Wish, Airfix did a new tooling in 72nd scale.

  9. Superb Alistair. Airfix are delivering some sublime models and yours looks fantastic 👍

  10. Nice Hunter, Alistair! It looks great in the navy scheme.

  11. Excellent build - that Hunter looks even more sleek in that single-tone scheme.

  12. Wow ,I've never seen a Hunter in one of my favourite schemes , I guess they were land based Alistair, does this option come with kit ?
    I'm always curious about varnishes as they can be a mine field of disaster at the end of weeks/months of work , does the Windsor and Newton have good UV resistance over time or does it yellow like Humbrol matt ?
    Great job , I've added this to my "to do "list

    • Thanks very much.
      The Hunters were based at Yeovilton for the Fleet Requirements and Air Direction Unit (FRADU).

      As to the varnish, the answer is I don't know I've only been back modelling for about 5 years but nothing has yellowed yet.

      Hope that helps.

  13. Beautiful build- looks like it is a great kit to build and your paint/finishing is next level. Thanks for sharing

  14. The Hunter looks very good in the RN paint scheme. Very sharp

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