Curtissey of Classic Airframes: the P-6E
The proper way to deliver critique is to preamble with compliments. So first I will say I am happy Classic Airframes existed. They brought us wonderful subjects and without them, the modeling world would have been rather drab. Their kits are also rather straightforward and aren't too hard to put together.
So with that said, I am beginning to dislike their kits. They tend to be plagued with lazy shape issues, simple accuracy overlooks and rather infuriating corner cutting. I understand limited run kits are, well, limited, but blatantly telling me to scratchbuild simple pieces where other more complex pieces are included, is a nose thumbing if I've ever seen one.
Anyways… this is the P-6E. It isn't a great example of a kit. It “fits” per se, and assembles into what looks like a Curtiss Hawk, but a lot of extra work is needed to create an accurate looking model.
- thin down headrest/back spine.
- cockpit nearly all spurious, needs replacement.
- thin down cockpit side walls/edges
- scratched gunsight tube
- wing/strut alignment horrible, too shallow
- wheels sit too far out of pants
- add control horns and cables
The actual P-6E had a ‘hole' in the top of the rudder for one light that could be seen to either side of the rudder. I realized this too late and simply painted a resemblance of this light instead of drilling out the hole and messing with the paint job.
My windshield was yellowed to oblivion (as is most early CA kits) so i had to make my own. The rigging is Armory flat PE wire and i made my own rigging supports with rod stock.
There's more details but I've honestly forgotten. I've worked off and on with this kit for a long time, I kept shelving it in frustration. I'm glad it's done, geez.
It will be awhile until i work on my next biplane. Thanks for looking.
Hi Kyle
It's an excellent model and great rendition of the scheme. A lot of biplane kits are like that though - neglecting the simple in favour of the complex. Research is a necessity and then planning each stage of the build. I find listing the alterations I need to the basic kit on a piece of paper is essential but I always expect a lot of work (see my article on the SH/Azur Vincent). But as I said it's an excellent result.
Excellent result on this bi-plane indeed, Kyle @kopperhed
The amount of extra work definitely paid of.
Excellent job on this challenging kit, Kyle! I agree on your thoughts on Classic Aiframes!
I think it turned out really well.
The P-6E Hawk turned out really well. Mine is forever doomed to collect dust incomplete. I had too many issues with the kit for myself to handle and gave up.
You’ve ended up with what looks like a real winner.
Having done this kit myself a good 20 years ago when it first came out, let me say you have achieved an excellent result; the extra effort really paid off.
After doing this one, I can think of several biplane kits that wouldn't give you any trouble. Italerei has just re-releassed the Accurate Miniatures Grumman F3F-2, which makes up into a honey of a kit. Fine Molds did a great job on the Ki.10 Perry. I Love Kit has done the Gladiator very nicely in Mk. I and Mk. II versions. They also did a very good J2F-5 "Duck."
Indeed, you are correct: i have done the Perry and it’s one of the nicest kits I’ve played with. The AM is started but like most people i fell into its gear door trap and got annoyed.
It’s mostly an issue about rigging, not the struts (i love the CR.42), as the rigging compounds my AMS.
You certainly plowed through the woes and created a great looking build...nicely done, Kyle! @kopperhed
Terrific job...terrific result. Congratulations!
Nice work. I built one some time ago, but really didn’t do much extra work. No matter- it still can be a beautiful model and you did it justice.
Great job Kyle and hope to see it at a show in 2024. Reminds me of when I built the Aurora kit when I was a kid.
She looks bad-*ss to me, Kyle @kopperhed!
I love those between the wars bi-planes.
Really great result!
Excellent result . I built this one many years ago in a different scheme, along with a bunch of other Classic Airframes kits. I still have another P-6E in my stash to do in the black and white Hawk finish like yours some day. True, Classic Airframes can be challenging, some more than others. Biplanes more than monoplanes. You nailed this one!
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Fantastic results with a challenging kit. I did this kit last year and also found it frustrating. I almost gave up on it at several points. Requiring the builder to scratch build a part is particularly infuriating. I finished mine but your's turned out much better. Congrats on your skills and dedication!
Despite the challenges, this is really a cool-looking plane, Kyle (@kopperhed). I really like those between-the-wars paint schemes. Well done.
That's a good-looking build! I have this kit in 1/72 and have been wanting to get to it soon...
Awesome work Kyle!
Fantastic work of this bird of prey, Kyle (@kopperhed)!
Love the look of this colourful bird.
Beautifully done, Kyle! I'm guessing you'll be beatin up on the 'Ole Man' in Poughkeepsie with this one? Again?
I know anything, "Classic Air Frames" is gonna be a tough road. I do like the way you began the article though. Very classy. Great result, my friend. Good luck at the next contest and say HI to the crew up there for me.