Flying Gecko...1/48 Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II, VA-22 "Fighting Redcocks", USN

September 14, 2023 · in Aviation · · 8 · 355


My dad´s US naval theme continues, this time with something more modern.
Hasegawa´s A-7 kit, first released in 1987, this is the P14 kit from back then. Aires A-7 late seat, TwoBobs decals used which were very thin and tended to wrap and tear.
Painted with Gunze H311 FS36622, Gunze H310 FS30219, and Tamiya XF-69 Nato Black.

build thread here

Around 1987/88, the CO and XO aircraft of VA-22 were painted in special camouflage. Whereas the CO bird was painted in a greyish camo, the XO one became brownish. At least the CO plane in its new clothes took part in Operation Praying Mantis in April 1988, a clash with the Iranian Navy, don´t know about the XO plane. Later in 1988 "302" wore single grey again.

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10  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. very very nice! I have plans for one of my A-7 kits to carry the CO grey scheme. Awesome how twobobs caught the "gecko" script on the tail- a teeny tiny detail, but they provided it.
    Excellent work on a little studied operation. I built a line bird from "Praying Mantis" and have an A-6E and KA-6D lined up to build in markings from that op. The A-6's carried some interesting loads at that time.
    Your dad must be pleased to have you help him with posting! Great that you are doing that for him.

  2. Wow - I wish TwoBobs made the decals in 1/72 - I have an A-7 collection project in mind, and would love to replicate that scheme! That is a real stand-out!

  3. Nice work! Love the scheme.

  4. It is great to learn new things. I’ve never seen this camo scheme. You did a great job here.

  5. Another Spreitzhofer masterpiece! An excellent build thread too!

  6. Fantastic build, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Your dad did a really great job on this special scheme.
    Thanks for sharing the progress in your build thread.

  7. Love the paint scheme. Great results!

  8. That camouflage scheme really stands out.

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