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Clint Miller
11 articles

An inexpensive P-38

October 12, 2023 · in Aviation · · 18 · 0.8K

Not sure how many modelers have built the Hobby Boss easy assembly kit of the Lockheed , but here is my take on it.

As far as P-38 kits go, it really is an "easy" kit, but you do have to deal with very long seam lines that run from end to the around the complete upper and lower halves of the entire wing, booms, and center cockpit pod. That's right, the bulk of the kit is in two pieces. You only add in the cockpit tub, wheel bays and all the little fiddly bits on.

I modified a True Details resin cockpit, As the kit part is super simplified. I also added, a set of seat belts, some resin wheels and turbo-superchargers. I scratch built the rear doors and added screening to the boom radiators, opened up the front oil cooler radiators and scratch built those to place inside and added enough plumbing to make the wheel bays look presentable, the only other thing I did was turn the front landing gear to the left a little. I think it's a nice touch on a P-38 that I don't see a lot of modelers do. Every P -38 kit that's ever been made all cast the front oleo in the stright forward facing position. It's an easy mod and adds just a little more visual interest to a build in humble opinion.

Paints used are my usual go tools. Tamiya, Vallejo, and Model Master, and oils and pastels for weathering.

It really was an easy build as far as P-38s go. There's no fiddly boom alignment to deal with, just the never ending seam line, but the fit was good and no filler was needed.

If anyone is looking for a simple P-38 build in would give this kit a try, it's not to bad and can look pretty good when finished.

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18  Awesome 2 

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18 responses

  1. You've made an impressive build of this "simple kit," Clint, and all the extra work and pieces you added really bring it up to an excellent level. Congratulations on completing this inspiring Geronimo II!

    • Thank you very much. It is an easy kit but some details are really toy like and need to be up greaded. I mostly purchased it because of the inexpensive price tag compared to most P-38 kits. I already had most most of the aftermarket pieces in my parts stash.

  2. I think your last line was the clincher - looks pretty good when finished! Well done.

    • Thank you, I was happy with how it turned out especially considering the kit I started with. To be fair, the surface detail is pretty good, recesed pannel lines and all, bet all the little bits and bobs are whereas lacking.

  3. Impressive detailing to get the aging and weathering so realistic. P 38 is my favorite plane of all time.

    • Thank you. The weathering is always the part I dread. I send it on my last post, I always feel in a little heavy-handed with it. It's something I have to work on. BTW, the P-38 is one of my favorites too, I'm a HUGE P-40 nut.

  4. Excellent job, Clint!

    • Thank you, I really appreciate all the encouraging words from everyone. I see the quality and expertise of everyone on the sight and it makes me want to work on my skills even more.

  5. This is an excellent result, Clint @curtisshawk
    The weathering gives this bird a very realistic look.

    • I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. Like I've mentioned before, im working on my weathering skills. Personally I think I go overboard a little bit, sometimes it's look good and other times I wish I would have stopped before I did. But I'll be sharing the good and the bad. All the constructive feedback is definitely a big plus.

  6. Great work on this! Thought it was the Tamiya kit before it read the headline

    • Thanks. I take that as a major compliment. I have the Tamiya kit in my stash. It's definitely the nicest P-38 kit out in any scale. The engineering is unbelievable. I have an Academy P-38 and a couple of the Revell one's too, and this kit is by far the easiest to build. With a little attention it can be a really nice representation of a cool bird.

  7. Nice work, Clint. Weathering takes practice, like anything else. Just remember, "Less is More."

  8. It seems that you’ve got the hang of the seams, Clint, and your weathering looks very convincing.

  9. I have also built this kit. HobbyBoss got the wing dihedral so wrong that I almost can't stand looking at it in my display case. It looks like a B-25 and not a P-38. I don't regret building it, but I wouldn't do it again. Like others, I'm usually disappointed by HobbyBoss's lack of attention to detail.

  10. Nick P@misfitnick I know what you mean. And it's usually goofy stuff they get wrong. Hobby Boss is definitely hit or miss. My P-38s dihedral looks OK. I found the over all shape to be pretty good. It's a great starting point for a beginner if there into P-38s.

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