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George Henderson
70 articles

Eduard 1:48 Grumman F6F-5 (Late) ProflPACK Kit #8224

October 23, 2023 · in Aviation · · 31 · 393

Its an kit so nuff said. I used the PE but this is probably my last time as when you close the canopy not much is seen. These were attached with Lepage 12, 5 Minute Epoxy. The resin wheels are a big improvement over the plastic bits. All paint was Tamiya though the innards was a mix to make Interior Green. The main wings are a butt join with minimum gluing surface so I ran some good old fashioned tube glue around the perimeter, let it set up and then ran Tamiya Extra Thin around the seams. Landing gear was an over-engineered process but with patience, not insurmountable. Everything else went together nicely. Now we get to the camouflage. Looking for the right blue I found many sites pooh-poohed Tamiya XF-17 Sea Blue saying it had a greenish hue. I have 1½ older bottles and I bought a new bottle. Looking closely at the two full bottles you can see a slight purplish hue and the ½ bottle was a bit lighter. so good enough for me. I sprayed the model and also sprayed the rudder white. Futured up, I used the kit decals and the were slightly translucent. Not much noticeable except for the fin stripes so I removed them and sprayed the stripes. Now we come to the flat coat. I know the paint scheme isn't absolutely flat but I am really struggling with flat coats. I have Tamiya, Vallejo, Microscale and Winsor & Newtons and they either don't flatten the shine or leave a white film. So on the weekend I went on a hunt. I found two that I had never seen before and purchased them and I ever impressed. The first is from The Army Painter and is called "Anti-shine Matte Varnish" and the second is from Vallejo and is called "Polyurethane Ultra Matte Varnish. I tested them on a small area first and the former is just slightly better than the later. You be the judge

A very nice kit and one more in the stash. The blue and flat may not be to everyone's liking but it works for me. Thanks for popping in

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31 responses

  1. That Cat should be at least semi-gloss. The gloss Sea Blue was for ease of maintenance and anti-corrosive. Plus a bonus of a few extra MPH. If you want a real no nonsense flat coat you can't beat old fashioned Testor's Dullcoat (shake well). Nothing flats like this 'ol stuff.
    The model looks very good, that's a nifty scheme.

  2. The big problem with Dullcote is that 2 years later everything under it is yellowing. The lighter the color the yellower.

  3. Outside of blue-grey/light grey and tricolor naval aircraft left out in the Solomons or Central Pacific Sun too long, the airplanes didn't go dead flat. Gloss Sea Blue was a paint that kept the sheen for at least several years of operations. Those flat varnishes that leave a slight sheen is what a "flat" camouflage scheme actually looks like.

  4. Thanks for the input gentlemen. If you look at the photo that is half flat-coated, the elevators were also flat-coated as the trial areas and there is a slight reflection

  5. Love it, George!
    Well done!

  6. Really nice result on this Hellcat, George @blackadder57

  7. Nice work, I like the gloss sea blue paint sceams, but I'm partial to the earlier tri color sceams. I have a thing for the older versions of the early war aircraft from all sides of the conflict. It probably should be glossy, but you did a great job with the flat coat and it definitely looks the part. Beautiful build.

  8. Beautiful Hellcat George !

  9. Well done, George. If you like it, 'nuff said...

  10. Great looking Hellcat, George!
    Looks like the Tamiya paints worked out great.

  11. I like it. I think you did a great job, glossy or not.

  12. Great job on the Hellcat George. Nice work. @blackadder57

  13. Nice work, George. I’m a fan of that kit.

  14. Gloss and flat finishes, and anything in between, are difficult to “scale”, you’ve managed to get a finish that looks right to you, and that’s what counts in my book.

  15. Good-looking Hellcat!

  16. If it looks good, it is good, and your model looks very good. Thanks for sharing your Hellcat with us, George (@blackadder57).

  17. Looks great. I like it. Working on one now. Cockpit done. Agree, lots of tiny PE in the cockpit...most of which will be hard to see. While I was working on it, kept asking myself "why am I doing this"?

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