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Dennis Meyers
109 articles

Tamiya 1:48 U.S. Howitzer Motor Carriage M8

October 16, 2023 · in Armor · · 11 · 0.6K

The Howitzer was a self-propelled infantry support gun based on the M5 Light Tank chassis that was used by the US during World War II in both the ETO and PTO. It was also used by France during WWII and after the war was deployed to French Indochina and to Algeria. It remained in French service until 1962. It was armed with the 75 mm Pack Howitzer and a Browning M2 machine gun.

issued a 1:35 version in 1979 that was reissued twice including a version with new parts in 2010.

For the most part, this latest edition was comparable to their other 1:48 military vehicle kits. However, quite unusually, my kit had a series of injector pin depressions that needed filling. Nothing serious but quite unusual for recent Tamiya kits. The turret and crew compartment are rather barren. Given that it is an open topped self propelled artillery vehicle, it would have been nice if the kit included some artillery shells. It does include one figure shown standing next to the vehicle. A crew figure situated in the vehicle would have been more useful.

In accordance with pictures of the actual vehicle in the field, I loaded it up with stowage, some of which came from a Tamiya 1:48 accessory kit. Most of the canvas bits were made with tissue paper stiffened with VMS Paper Shaper.

I made use of Mission Models' extensive range of OD Green shades to add some visual interest to an otherwise drab vehicle.

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9  Awesome 4 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Fantastic job on the M8, Dennis! Excellent, very effective painting techniques!

  2. Excellent work done, Dennis @dmeyers
    Nice painting and weathering results.

  3. Very nice model @dmeyers. I like the painting and weathering and the addition of all the tie-downs.

    Wow, someone actually used MMP! The only paint I ever bought where I tried one and took the other ten back for a refund. I don't like paint that claims it's smarter than me.

  4. Nice work, Dennis. Great detailing on such a tiny kit.

  5. Came out great, Dennis!

  6. Very realistic on the paint and weathering!

  7. It doesn’t look drab at all, Dennis.

  8. Great job all round, very good shading and streaking. I didn't like MMP either, but you made them work.
    Like your tool handles. Must be a cute lil thang in 1/48!

  9. Great job, Dennis! The variation in the OD is fantastic.

  10. Nice work Dennis, @dmeyers. Good build with some really nice paint work, I especially like your painting of the tools, they are very well done.

  11. @dmeyers - Fantastic build. The weathering looks really great. The tools and stowage add a ton of detail. Very nice!

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