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Russ King
19 articles

Arma Hobby P51 B/C 1/72

November 30, 2023 · in Aviation · · 14 · 440

I had read the many rave reviews about the kits, so had to pick one up. Agree that they are nice little kits. Very detailed. Especially the cockpits as has been described. Unfortunately can't see much of it after all is done but you know it's in there. My only real complaint is some of the sprue attachments are quite prominent. Just have to be careful on the snipping.

James Howard's Ding Hao.
Paints: I used Stynylrez metal primer as a base. A little preshading then Tamiya Neutral Gray and Olive Drab.
XF-2 for stripes and nose.
Intermediate Gauzy Agent as a gloss for decals and finish with Mr Super Clear Matt.
Ammo mig fuel streaks. Exhaust stains sprayed on with dilute Isopropyl etoh with drop of flat black. Ammo mig airfield dust pigment.
Added some pressure and fuel lines to the drop tanks.
After addition of the Malcolm hood the white strip on the vertical tail was painted over, so I added some extra OD to that area. I prefer larger scale but I might just get a few more of these.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 4 

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14 responses

  1. Really nice Mustang, Russ @rfking
    Those added fuel pipes are adding much more realism.

  2. Fantastic Mustang, Russ! Yes, Arma Hobby kits are really nice, but it takes your skills to come up with such awesome result!

  3. Very neat work on this 1/72 kit.

  4. Nice work on this. They are very nice kits. I think you didn't pull the tailwheel down far enough - when I did mine that was the one place that caused trouble. I had to really work on it to get it extended right and also fit right.

  5. It's interesting isn't it? Arma, IBG, Special hobby and a fair few more producing some stunning 1:72 and larger scale kits. Jewel like. The little PZLs from IBG are stunning and Arma seem to have re set the bar with their larger PZL and Hurricane series. A cracking job chap, as you say..."we know it's there". What made me chuckle (this is not a dig at you or modellers in general) is all the "specific" weathering products available. There are not many effects it seems that cannot be achieved with oils or acrylic inks (If you know how) and yet every manufacturer has a "best snake oil system". That's business I guess😶. Don't get me going on "not quite perfect...but you can get this PE/Resin/printed part from our sister company. Arrggghhh🤬🤣🤣🤣

    • Yes lots of stuff out there. Guess they wouldn't produce it if there was no market for it. I usually use oil paints but wanted to try a few of these other products.

  6. Looks great! I've enjoyed the couple of Arma Hobby kits I've built - pretty nice little kits!

  7. Nice job on this Mustang! @rfking

  8. Great little Mustang! I live the Ding Hao scheme, it's right up there with Shangri-la. I'm not usually a 1/72nd scale guy either but ive been getting more 72nd scale subjects lately, there's some nice kits out there now as evidenced by your Arma kit. I love those high back Mustangs! Beautiful job Russ.

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Model well done Russ!
    Nice model work when one considers the scale.

  10. Nice Mustang, Russ. I built the old Monogram P-51B in those markings over 50 years ago.

  11. Very nice, Russ (@rfkng). Aren’t the Arma kits just superb?

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