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Mark P Hartig
39 articles

Academy 1/48 A-10C

January 16, 2024 · in Aviation · · 34 · 509

The most trouble free aircraft model I've ever put together, I can't sing praise enough. The only AM are the seabelts, and I tossed in a few bombs I had lying about spare.

Painted in Tammy Sea Grey and Dark Sea Grey with a black Flory's wash then sealed with some of the last of my Model Master Acrylic Clear Flat, there's really not much more to say about it than the first line.

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15  Awesome 4  3 

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34 responses

  1. That turned out real good.

    What is this? If someone posts a 1/32 Su-25 and/or USS Gambier Bay article then I'm going to wonder if my shelf of doom builds are coming to haunt me!

  2. That’s perfect! Great details all the way around.

  3. That's a cool looking Tankbuster you've built there Mark (@markh). Love the cockpit detail. Is that out of the box?

    Good work. What's next? 🙂

  4. Very nice paint work and finishing on this Warthog. @markh

  5. Excellent job, Mark!

  6. Great job! Academy kits are inconsistent, so I'm glad to read that this one was easy.

  7. Great looking Warthog, Mark @markh
    The detailing and painting are really spot on.

  8. An easy A-10 nice to know after the wrestling match with the Monogram A-10, still in progress. Regardless had my eye on this kit when I heard it was coming out. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

    • And thank you sir, and a pleasure to share. Awhile back I tangled with the Revell offering and it was nasty after nasty with no end to nasty in sight; I got tired of fighting with it and it went into the garbage bucket. Life's too short to struggle with nasty model kits

  9. A beauty...of a Beast chap. Looks nice and purposeful.

    I have the old Tamiya one in my stash...might take some swearing🤣❤️

  10. Nicely done, Mark! Like the grays.

  11. Looks like you’ve found the best kit for this classic aircraft.

  12. That’s sharp! Well painted and finished.

  13. fabulous build, you nailed this one. Well done!

  14. One great-looking tank-killer! Love the scheme on that one.

  15. I love the paint scheme! Amazing work!

  16. High praise for Academy; good for them and well done to you.

  17. A beautiful building, very nice indeed.

  18. Awesome job Mark. I'm actually working on the same kit right now. I hope I can get the same results!

  19. Thanks gents

    D take your time, I'm sure you will

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