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Hasegawa 1/48 Nagajima Ki84 TYPE4 FIGHTER HAYATE(FRANK) 10th Operational Flying Training Unit

January 17, 2024 · in Aviation · · 40 · 464

Hasegawa scale kit

I finished my personal favorite kit, which is one of 's most well-made kits.
We focused on the metal representation and weathering of the used fuselage to finish it.
Riveted expressions are added throughout the fuselage, and all molds are re-sculpted.

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40 responses

  1. Fantastic result, Dagored!

  2. Beautiful work on this kit.

  3. Nice work on this. I need to get a Hasegawa Frank.

  4. Great work on this, love what you did with the weathering

  5. Absolutely amazing, Dagored @dagored
    The weathering, as well as the rest of this build, looks very realistic.

  6. Love the metal finish you achieved. Great job!

  7. Ditto to all of the above comments. Great build, remarkable finish.

  8. Excellent build!

  9. That is a stunning scale model, Dagored @dagored! 👏 Your finish is just fantastic work! 👏

  10. Yikes! That is a wonderful build! Love the weathering and the NMF work - just fantastic. I'll use yours as a model to do one of my own in this scheme and level of weathering.

    • Thank you very much. The metallic expression and weathering are the areas we put a lot of effort into this time, so we would be happy if they can be used as reference for actual production.

  11. Boy, howdy - that's superb additional surface detail and weathering. Very realistic!

  12. Very nice Frank, just worn enough.

  13. I would like to just pile on with the praise on this build. I absolutely love what you accomplished in your weathering in painting techniques. I love the graduation Hinomaru color you did an incredible job with the the chipping and color variation on the anti-glare panel is phenomenal. Just an all around excellent build.

    • Thank you, the anti-glare coating was done using a combination of peeling expression by silicon barrier method and fading expression using ventilation fan filter.

  14. A superb job of weathering and chipping effects. Not overdone in the least. Terrific result. @dagored

  15. She (he 😀 ) looks awesome dagored (@dagored). I love the attention to detail on the nose chipping / weathering. An all-round fantastic result. Well done 😀

  16. Spectacular detail - your bare metal weathering along with the chipping and fading is very convincing. Well done!

  17. I would score this a perfect 10. As realistic as I can imagine achieving in plastic and paint.

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