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Rafi Ben-Shahar
369 articles

Iranian Phantom: Hasegawa 1/48 RF-4E

January 1, 2024 · in Aviation · · 22 · 375

The venerable kit is the workhorse for another unique scheme of the Phabolous Phantom. This time, a reconnaissance version in the Iranian Air Force Service.

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10  Awesome 3 

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22 responses

  1. Awesome job on the venerable Hasegawa Phantom, Rafi! A very charming scheme, perfectly rendered!

  2. Beautiful work, Rafi. That's a lot of stencils! @blackmopane

  3. Another truly beautiful result, Rafi @blackmopane
    Especially this scheme is really awesome.

  4. That's a beautiful paint scheme, Rafi @blackmopane! 🤩 Great looking Phantom! 👏

  5. Very nice result, done to your usual standard of excellence.

  6. Well done, as usual!

  7. Great Phantom, Rafi! Those stencils look like this one had to be an endurance contest to complete.

  8. Nice paint scheme and well done on the stencils, Rafi.

  9. Ah man - here is a Phantom scheme I have never seen! I now have to add another Phantom to my Phantoms project. Can you give me some paint references for those colors? By the way, up to your high standards as always!

  10. Another impressive build for you Rafi! Great job on this, the F4 looks beautiful in this unusual scheme

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