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Rafi Ben-Shahar
420 articles

Two Monogram 1/48 Heinkel He-111H variants

January 14, 2024 · in Aviation · · 24 · 366

The H variant was the most produced He-111 aircraft and a diversified service carrier.

The night and torpedo variants are themes in 's He-111 series. As a later Monogram model, it has recessed panel lines and is well detailed. However, the fit of parts has much to be desired.

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24 responses

  1. G'day Rafi (@blackmopane),
    Great builds - you certainly conquered the fit issues.
    I have two of these in the stash - a H-4 and a H-22 - that I will get around to one of these days.

  2. Wonderful job on both, Rafi! Loved the painting and weathering!

  3. Wonderful result on both Heinkels, Rafi @blackmopane
    A nice option to have it displayed with the top cover open.
    After having seen one of these planes in real, I'm even more impressed by the looks of this aircraft.

  4. Nice Heinkels, Rafi. I started one of those and got it about 70% built. It didn’t make the cut when I moved and downsized. I ended up giving it to a friend to finish.

  5. You’ve captured the look of these evil machines magnificently, Rafi.

  6. Both models look great, Rafi! 🤩 The He-111 is my favorite German twin from WWII! I've had that Monogram kit in stash for a while, bought off a consignment table at Kings Hobby in Austin. I'll admit that all those transparencies intimidate me and give pause when considering it for a build (perhaps the same was true for its original owner?). However, I've recently acquired a mask set for it and that might just kick me into gear for building it. Meanwhile, @blackmopane, keep those beautiful models coming! 😃

  7. Nicely done Rafi, @blackmopane, it turned out very nice. I like the overall finish you achieved. I have built this kit before also, I don't remember the fit being a challenge. I am curious how you can manage to build so many models so quickly. I only finished two last year.

    • Thank you Walt.
      I spend about 10 hours on a model. I skip many stages. no primer. no gloss and matt coats. No paint on un seen details. Very little paint. It does not have to be perfect, just to capture the gist of the aircraft.

      • Thanks Rafi, @blackmopane. I spend more than 10 hours on just about any aspect of a build. I don't even try to keep track, but I think I have 40-50 hours just in scribing and riveting my B-24. Well your method works, and I applaud you on building so many so well.

  8. Well done on both, Rafi. My 111H torpedo bomber is one of my favorites, those old Monogram kits are pretty good!

  9. A beautiful pair of Heinkel aircraft. @blackmopane

  10. They look great! Along with the He 219, the 111 is my favorite non-fighter Luftwaffe aircraft - such an icon of the early war in particular.

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