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Charles King
130 articles

"Aim to the left"

February 4, 2024 · in Diorama · · 22 · 273

Been very busy with commsion builds of late. So not a lot of time for building for myself. But this little one got my attention. Ak-Interactive jeep, which was a nice build on its own. The figures are older builds which I added for some atmospheric eye candy. Scale is .

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 2 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Lovely little diorama, Charles, very atmospheric.

  2. Interesting dio of a technical.

  3. Very nice (as usual). Super detail.

  4. So much realism in your dioramas. Impressive work. @tiking

  5. Excellent job and a very realistic result, Charles!

  6. Another beautiful diorama, Charles @tiking
    Lots of details all over.
    Seems like they were in a real rush since they simply overrun that pylon, nice detail.

  7. Very nice diorama

  8. Very well done, Charles.

  9. Great little vignette, I'm always impressed with people who can paint figures that well!

    • Big thanks Mike, although I still consider myself an intermediate. But reading your comment has given me even more inspiration to continue on the road of elevation. Thank you kindly.

  10. Lots to love about this work, so I'll just mention the guy with the desert camo pants, really well done!

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