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Rafi Ben-Shahar
294 articles

Big Hairy Bird: Two models of one Marauder

February 13, 2024 · in Aviation · · 28 · 0.6K

According to Aeromaster Decals description, this was the most flamboyant B-26B that ever flew. With the colorful teethed eagle head it flew with 599th BS, 397th BG. Then, the aircraft was passed on to 387th just before the end of the war, but still retaining the original nose art.

's 1/48th B-26B mold dates back to 1978. It has raised panel lines, and many seem lines to fill. Nonetheless, it is a great kit. It captures the lines of the and is sufficiently detailed. Aeromaster decal sheet provides the two squadrons marking options. Yet, there is only one nose art set. I hand painted the later Marauder form with a slightly faded Big Hairy Bird.

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17  Awesome 1 

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28 responses

  1. Beautiful Marauders! And a very nice job of hand-painting that outrageous nose art.

  2. Not one, but two of those monsters, Rafi! That’s a real labor of love. In my experience that was one of Monogram’s most ill fitting kits and I’ve never seen one in the box without serious warpage. Well done.

  3. Thoes B-26s look great Rafi. I still say.its hard to beat the old Revell/Monogram kits. With a little love and care they usually look outstanding. You proved that once again! Great work.

  4. Awesome double result, Rafi! Love how you tackled the elderly Monogram kits!

  5. Both Marauders do look great, Rafi @blackmopane
    A mean looking scheme.
    You definitely got the best out of these old kits.

  6. great work on these, the more Monogram kits the better! Well done

  7. Fantastic work with the hand painting Rafi

  8. Great double post of two fine models. Good to see some of the later Monogram kits getting the respect they are due - courtesy of your excellent work and write-up. Thanks!

  9. Well done, Rafi (@blackmopane). I have always liked the Monogram B-26 and your decals/hand-painting really raises these kits above the normal. Your hand-painting is impossible to tell apart from the decals.

  10. Wonderful posting. Great work on both of these. The B-26 is a bird I’ve wanted to build and this is great inspiration. Thanks for sharing this wonderful duo.

  11. Both look great, Rafi. Well done!

  12. Magnificent Marauders, Rafi, a little alliteration goes a long way.

  13. That looks really amazing! Absolutely a superb job.

  14. They look amazing Rafi (@blackmopane). You bring in a new definition to "face painter". Awesome work on both depictions 😀

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