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Tamiya Yamaha Beluga 80 Scooter 1/12th

February 17, 2024 · in Automotive · · 22 · 298

I was going through some photos for my new web site while I await all my parts to come in for other projects I offer this build.

It was unique enough that I had to add it to my collection. Built in June of 2022.

It was a fun and cute little build. I painted it Tamiya French Blue and quite happy with the results.

The Yamaha web page offers this info on it

The BELUGA was developed as a full-scale scooter targeting men amid the trends of greater amounts of free time and the growing “six-wheel lifestyle” in which people used both a car and a 2-wheeler. It featured a fully covered exterior hiding the mechanical parts, spacious step-through styling, all built-in lights, a suspension with a comfortable ride, intake/exhaust systems designed for low energy consumption and low noise, and more. All its features were designed and engineered to radiate high quality.

Enjoy. The Real Bike Queen :). You may also view my new web page here if you like

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11  Awesome 3  1 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Well done, AGAIN! I saw the pic but not the name but I knew it was yours...

  2. Great scooter, Cricket, I wonder why they called it Beluga, perhaps it means something in Japanese?

  3. Great model post and a great design for a fun bike. Thanks!

  4. Heck of a nice scooter you’ve made, cricket ! You’ve certainly mastered the two wheelers.

  5. I love this scooter! Website looks good too, Cricket @bikequeen

  6. Another excellent model, my friend Cricket!
    Congratulations on your new website! Looks fantastic!

  7. Another impressive result, Cricket @bikequeen
    Just checked your website and it is as professionally build as your models.
    Well done.

  8. @bikequeen - Great build, definitely radiates high quality! Your website looks great, I love the purple. I just subscribed to your YouTube channel as well.

  9. Excellent, great web page too.

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