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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Hobbyboss 1/48 F-105G Thunderchief

March 11, 2024 · in Aviation · · 40 · 500

Hobbyboss' Thud kit is not a great kit. It is plagued with fit and shape issues, notably the cockpit components. Nonetheless, the model radiates much of the greatness of this fighter.

Given the large number of parts that require modification in the cockpit, I closed the canopies and focused on visible components. There is an option to separate the tail unit and expose the rear end of the engine. However, the engine and tail unit are not detailed enough to justify such separation. Hence, it is better to glue the fuselage halves after the permanent attachment of the tail unit to assure a flush panel continuity. A similar situation concerns the nose and radar unit. For the Wild Weasel version, the missile ordnance may be under scaled.

The impact of the final appearance of the model relies on the balance between weathering and the actual look of operational aircraft. The has a smooth metal skin and very little if any oil leak spots. The kit features detailed, but deeply engraved panel lines and rivets. I balanced between emphasizing the unrealistic plastic surface for a 3D effect and the coverage of the engravings with a thick layer of paint that gives a flat appearance to the model.

The build was completed with the attachment of the fragile main undercarriage.

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40 responses

  1. Very nice work on the camo

  2. Great work as usual Rafi. I really like camo paint schemes on early jets, and yours is beautiful. You took what sounds like a difficult kit and made it into something really nice. I definitely lookalike a 105 to me.๐Ÿ‘

  3. The result is absolutely stunning, Rafi!
    Your modeling approach on tackling the kit's shortfalls is amazing!

  4. You have done a great job on this, Rafi, as usual.

    Personally, I came to the conclusion after building a HB F-105D that this kit is not really that much of an advance over the 40+ year old Monogram kit,

  5. Absolutely stunning result, Rafi @blackmopane
    Did you use masks to apply this three tone pattern or is it freehanded.
    No matter how it is done, it looks perfect.

    • I masked the model. I put masking tape on the computer screen of a chosen scheme in the right scale. I mark the boundaries with a pencil. Then, cut the templates and stick on the model. The method is fast and accurate. Finally, I soften the borders and decide on the extent of softening according to photographs.

  6. That's a superb 105 Rafi and it's all the more so if the base kit is as bad as you say. Fantastic ๐Ÿ‘

  7. Another fine model, Rafi @blackmopane! ๐Ÿ‘ That paintwork is terrific! ๐Ÿคฉ

  8. Geez Rafi (@blackmopane), you're a model machine ๐Ÿ˜€

    Well despite your kit challenges on this model, I think you've come out of it with a pretty cool depiction of this Thunderchief. Well done and great work on another job well done.

  9. You had all the same issues I had with the D version (and had the wrong weapons loadout!) I wanted to like this kit but I found it disappointing.

    The end result looks very good, but I do know that getting there was not easy at all... /shudders/

  10. I'm a big Thud fan, and this one is a beauty! Well done!

  11. Rafi,
    Outstanding results on a dog of a kit to build! I've read about how tough this kit is to build but you have done a terrific job!
    I do have a question, what paints did you use for this build? The colors look great!

    • Thank you Tom.

      I use Tamiya enamels. For the SEA scheme the khaki color is perfect. The greens are a mixture of dark green with brown for the dark green and yellow with dark green.

      I use different amounts of mix depending on the plastic color to obtain a base hue and a contrast that emphasizes the characteristics of the camouflage scheme. In the end, the spray may differ significantly from the "correct" colors. It is a trial and error method where the results cannot be predicted before the actual painting.

  12. That is a beautiful model. The paint scheme is really nice. Can I ask what paints you used? The colors look spot-on. Great job!

    • Thank you Scott,
      In continuation, enamel paints are my preferred choice. I apply very thin layers that allows correction in the mixture of hues. Enamels adhere mush better to the plastic and are much more transparent than acrylics that help to enhance the 3D effect.

  13. Rafi,

    Thank you for confirming why I will never buy this Hobby Boss kit. Too many headaches to fix first. Which reminds me I have have three Monogram F-105s in stash to build.

    But wow you did make a very nice Ultra Hog from a sow's ear.

  14. Nice work, Rafi. Great paintwork. Every 105 kit that I know of has wobbly landing gear. No way around it.

  15. Great finish on this from where Iโ€™m sitting, Rafi.

  16. Always amazed with the size of the '105 and the sized of that single engine.
    Impressive work, Rafi. Fantastic looking Thunderchief.

  17. that is a gorgeous finish on that Thud. I love what you have done here. Thanks for the warning on the construction issues. great build and thanks also for sharing!

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