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Aaron Bouma
32 articles

MkIV MALE 1917

This is the MkIV Male. The mark four had definitely significant improvements from the Mark one. Some of the main improvements were the improved armour and the re sitting of the fuel tank. A total of over 1200 mark four tanks were built about 420 males and nearly 600 females.

This one was made from scratch wood, As my standard, this scale is an over 2 foot scale model. Both the 6 pounder guns move. As of tonight it’s 96% complete. More pics to come once it’s finished

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9  Awesome 2 

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4 responses

  1. Another beautiful piece of craftsmanship, Aaron @aaronbouma

  2. Fantastic work, Aaron @aaronbouma! 🤩 You are obviously a very skilled woodworker and a true "craftsman"! 👏

  3. Fantastic job, Aaron!

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