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Christina Swank
12 articles

Monogram's 1/48 B-26 Marauder "Flak Bait"

March 28, 2024 · in Aviation · · 19 · 487

I built this kit once back in 2017, only about a year into the hobby. So as you can imagine it was not that great. Since my skills have come along way since then it was time to replace the original with a new one. I regretted that decision part way through, lol. A lot of time was spent playing with tiny PE parts on the interior, but the real fight didn't start until after the fuselage halves were together. The engine nacelle to the wing fit was bad. Pieces warped. Plus I had more PE to mess with in the wheel wells, which did not want to cooperate. Once I got past all the putty, sand, prime, repeat, and got to the painting process things went much more smoothly. The insignia, call letter, and tail number were all painted on using masks. The nose art was an aftermarket sheet, and the crew names were from the kit sheet, since for some reason they weren't included on the aftermarket one. Second time using the hairspray chipping method, which I've fallen in love with. It's so easy, and turns out great results. This takes the prize for most hours to build, clocking in at 95 hours. I was lent the book on Flak Bait, and used it's pictures for reference quite a bit throughout the process. One of these days I would love to be able to go and see the real Flak Bait. I love the fact they are doing a preservation effort, rather than restoration like they did with the Memphis Belle. Too me, restoration erases the history.

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19 responses

  1. That is a really nicely done B-26! The paintwork and chipping looks great. Well done!`

  2. Hey, good to see ya here now, Christina @keyda1981! 👍 Welcome to iModeler and thanks for sharing your beautiful Marauder with us! She looks great! 👏

  3. Wow, I hope my attempt at the venerable Monogram kit will turn out as well. What resin bits are you using? Did the come with the Special Edition version or are they after market?

    • Only resin used was the wheels. I did use Eduard's interior and exterior photo etch though. I didn't use many of the exterior bits, it just seemed like entirely more work than it was worth when I already had so much time into it. Instead of cutting out the engine cowl flaps and replacing them with PE I just cut the originals and bent them outwards a bit. Seemed to work out alright. This was the original Monogram boxing from 1978, so no special edition version with any goodies in it.

  4. Another wonderful result, Christina!
    Well done!

  5. You did really well on this Marauder, Christina @keyda1981
    Looks very nice.

  6. Thanks for getting this one done in time to force ICM to get on the ball and get their upgrade/new kit to the suppliers, Christina @keyda1981. 🙂

    Seriously, very nice work on a notoriously not-easy kit, with a very nice result.

  7. Looks like a Marauder that has been in some serious action!
    Fantastic build, love it.

  8. Thank you everyone!

  9. Nicely done Christina, not an easy kit by any means, and yours looks great.

  10. Another well-done senior citizen, Christina (@keyda1981). Another old kit brought back to life.

  11. Great job on this classic, Christina!

  12. Well done, Christina! That’s a difficult kit to complete. I’ve never seen one in the box without all sorts of warpage.

  13. Good work, Christina.

  14. Classic plane and classic kit. Very well done. I put this one on my future to-do list. I hope I can match your work.

  15. Well done! I did that one quite a few years ago, I remember struggling with it as you did, but in the end it looked like a Marauder.

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