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Rafi Ben-Shahar
417 articles

Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn

March 22, 2024 · in Armor · · 12 · 243

The was a tank destroyer developed as an interim solution to combat increasing armor threats in the battlefield. It was based primarily on the Panzer IV chassis and the 88mm PAK 43 gun.

The Nashorn is a favorite topic of mine since it offers a complex gun arrangement in the large and open fighting compartment and a high diversity of production variants and camouflage schemes. 's Nashorn is a highly detailed kit engineered well to prevent getting bogged down in the complexity of the build without compromising the intricate details that characterize the tank.

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11  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Looks awesome Rafi, beautiful job. The many different camo schemes is what I like most about modeling German WW2 subjects. It seams like their is no end to the patterns, no matter what the subject is, armor or planes. You could build for a lifetime and never run out of possibilities.

  2. Rafi, @Blackmopane, this is very well done. Your weathering and paint work, especially in the fighting compartment is excellent.

  3. A wonderful build, Rafi @blackmopane
    The chosen scheme suits this destroyer perfectly.
    Well done.

  4. A nice build, great paintwork, worn but not tired.
    And the hand painted squirls are really well done.


  5. Fantastic job, Rafi! As always, painting and weathering are superb!

  6. I’ve always admired the lines of this tank, Rafi, and you’ve made a great replica.

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