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George V Guimaraes
43 articles

Eduard 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf-110C

April 17, 2024 · in Aviation · · 25 · 423


Here’s my recent project, the Bf-110C. It has been in my "need to build" list for a while, such an iconic bird.
However, I have to say, after several built Eduard kits, this one was kind of a disappointment. I mean, the details are great, specially in the cockpit, but it has some fitting issues.

The nose/guns bay is engineered to be built open, because if you decide, like me, to have it closed, brace for impact! You’ll end up with steps, gaps and a lot of sanding and scribing. Also, the area being rounded doesn’t help either. The machine guns are really fragile (broke one of them a few times).

The landing gears are just ok, I’ve added a lead wire to simulate hydraulic lines, and they also require attention to have them in place.

And let’s not forget the clear parts. The landing light is a chunk of clear plastic way larger than its place to be. And, to glue the front lateral windows and gunner panels in the open position is also a hard task, for they don’t have any decent points of contact with the fuselage and/or other panels. To maintain these areas free of excess glue is quite challenging.

The kit has a few row of rivets between the engines and the fuselage, so I’ve decided to rivet it all, and I’m happy with the result. Rose the riveter was the tool of choice.

A very nice point are these new Eduard decals that you can remove the film from afterwards. They’ve worked great and the final effect is really good!

Paints were a mix of Gunze lacquer and aqueous, well diluted for the motling, when needed.

Hope you’ll enjoy.


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25 responses

  1. Excellent 110. I wish I had as good of an experience as you with the Eduard decals. My first Eduard kit is a Mustang MK IV. Had similar fit issues. Many actually. Set the decals. Mr setter and softer. Let dry 24 hrs. Film would come up as well as the decals. Had to leave it and make do with the film. Must have done something wrong. In any case, your work is fantastic! Excellent camo. Great and subtle shading. Beautiful.

    • Thank you! Regarding the decals, you've done everything right, just like I did. Maybe the surface wasn't smooth as it should be and the decals couldn't adhere properly.

      • Probably. In either case I didn’t mean to take the attention off of you or your work. I’ve looked again and at some of your other work. Exceedingly well done. Will use for references. Thank you and kudos! G

  2. Thanks for the heads up on potential problem areas... I have two in the stash I'm about to start on.

  3. Having two unfinished models of this kit (a C and a D) I still feel the worst part of the kit is the undercarriage, it’s just too fragile and at the same time complex to get all properly align. I see your experience with it was not the same as mine, and more importantly you finished it 😉
    Looks terrific, I really like the weathering around the underside areas. Thumbs up George

  4. You’d never know this was a difficult build judging by your results, George. She’s a beauty!

  5. The result is very good.

    To be fair, this is one of Eduard's earlier WW2 kits (it's from 2008). I know your pain as I've built this one and I found it to be one big fight from beginning to end. I'm happy I built one, but I haven't built this kit or variation on it since.

  6. Some challenges but in the end a wonderful result, George @george72
    Excellent paintwork, especially on the canopy, the framing looks perfect.
    As you said, an iconic bird and your build does justice to it.

  7. Excellent result despite the challenges, George!

  8. Wonderful 110 George. Thank you for the heads up on the build. I have both Eduard and Pro Modeller 110's. We are told the Pro modeller has engine profile problems but is wonderful to build and now Eduards 110 has fit issues but has better profiles. Doh !

  9. Great paint and weathering.

  10. Beautiful work! The paint and weathering is fantastic (I especially like the underside - better set it on a mirror!).

  11. Excellent result, that's a fine looking Zerstorer!

  12. That's a great looking build! Very scale looking. Thanks for sharing this.


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