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Rafi Ben-Shahar
441 articles

Promodeler Ju 52/3m

May 1, 2024 · in Aviation · · 22 · 380

This 1/48th model is among the finest produced by ProModeler. The corrugated surface texture is well reproduced and the kit is well detailed including the interior. The big size and the uneven texture may pose some building challenges. In this particular build, the decals set with solvents although with time, they withered. I had to repaint most of the decals.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 1  1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Excellent work done, Rafi @blackmopane
    The interior, as well as the exterior, does look nicely detailed indeed.
    Did you create that loop antenna yourself.

  2. Superb job, Rafi!
    Excellent painting and weathering, including the decal setting/retouching job!

  3. I only have praise for you and your big Ju-52 is exceptionally well-made. Your detail work is fantastic, especially the weathering.

  4. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 1, 2024

    Well done on your Ju-52 Rafi, @blackmopane. I really like the paint work both inside and out. It looks like you really got the most out of the kit. It is such a cool looking plane and a throw back to the earlier days of aviation.

  5. Awesome build and finishing.

  6. Another beautiful build!

  7. Great build, Rafi. I agree, the Ju-52 is one of the better big R/M kits. Like you, I painted most markings on mine because the decals didn't like the corrugations!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  8. Awesome as always

  9. Very nicely built and painted ! ! Looks very realistic.

  10. That looks great! Paint job you did looks very too scale. Thanks for sharing.


  11. G’day Rafi (@blackmopane),
    Decals on corrogated skin must be a nightmare. You recovered very well.

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