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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Broken models: Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz 7 20mm Flak

June 27, 2024 · in Armor · · 12 · 283

Accidents happen. These are the remains of a 20mm gun on the platform of a half track. It was detached from the platform on route to the "photo studio." I have the habit of not gluing sub-assemblies that settle in their place with a click. This allows quick repairs if necessary, but also...

Once, I collected the parts that spread all over the room, the task of restoration was easy with the help of online instructions from the ScaleMates site.

's Sd.Kfz 7 was a favorite model of mine. Highly detailed and looks very much like the real half track vehicle.

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9  Awesome 3 

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12 responses

  1. Excellent job on rebuilding the broken Flak, Rafi! Like nothing ever happened!
    Looks excellent!

  2. Great recovery after a real crash and burn, Rafi (@blackmopane). Well done.

  3. You would never know it got destroyed, the rebuild looks so good, Rafi @blackmopane. You are quite the master modeler.

  4. Better than new. Great rebuild.

  5. No signs left of the terrible condition of how the Flak looked like before, Rafi @blackmopane
    Great save

  6. Very nice recovery, looks great!

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