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Ramon R. Lomeli
51 articles

Monogram F-104G Starfighter

Hey Party People! Next up in my Good From Afar but Far From Good collection is this F-104G . I scribed all the panel lines and scratch-built the retraction linkages on the main landing gear struts with lead wire and scrap plastic. The kit's exhaust can was replaced with a spare can from a Kinetic kit, and once I shortened the stock tail pipe it fit perfectly. The kit comes with launch rails for the wingtips, but in this edition there is no mention in the instructions of having to cut about 1/4 inch off of the wings in order to get them to fit. The kit missiles were a bit weak in detail, so I designed and printed my own AIM-9Bs and used them instead. As for the finish, I applied camouflage colors using MRP lacquers, decals for a German splinter scheme from XtraDecals and weathered with oils. It is still something I am learning but its fun so I will keep at it.

I have a couple more Monogram kits in progress but after that I will try to find a kit that requires less finessing to get the results I am after. Life is short and my spare time is scarce so I just want to get through a build so that I can spend more time on painting and weathering. Stay tuned to see what comes next!

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22 responses

  1. That’s a very nice built Starfighter. Awesome photography too!

  2. Looks very nice, the extra work you put in to it really paid off.

  3. Excellent Starfighter, Ramon!

  4. Nice work, Ramon! The Monogram century series were great kits.

  5. Excellent build, Ramon.

  6. This German Starfighter looks amazing, Ramon @anvil6
    Great work with all those extras.

  7. Looks great from here!

  8. Looks great - your oil rendering is really nice - subtle shade changes.

  9. Nice build Ramon. Looks great!
    Whenever I see this aircraft, I wonder how it gets airborne. It looks like it defies the laws of physics. Like how scientists say that Bees shouldn't fly but they do πŸ˜€

    • Thanks Scott! I think this thing just brute force launched itself into the air. Its pretty much a rocket with fins and a meat servo up front making the control inputs! ;-P

  10. That's just awesome Ramon. You certainly have waved a wand of magic over the old Monogram Starfighter. Looks great in the splinter scheme.

  11. Very nice job on what is essentially a basic kit from decades past. You made that one a standout (but then maybe that's because I am looking at it from afar πŸ™‚ - Cheers

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