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Predrag Ivanovic
26 articles

MiniArt 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt

December 19, 2024 · in Aviation · · 15 · 356

Great model and overall part engineering by , hopefully this is just the start of their 48th aircraft.. Engine cowling is hand masking and painted.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome 3  1 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Well done, Predrag! Super result!

  2. Nice results, Predrag. I have yet to try these kits. Yours is inspiration.

  3. Wonderful all around. The checkered cowl is exceptional. Are the tail bands painted rather than decals as well?

  4. Superb build and excellent painting, Predrag @pedja
    Especially the cowling checker pattern, must have been a lot of work.

  5. Wonderful paintwork. The cowling of course looks fantastic, but I especially like the modulation in the OD. Well done.

  6. Nice work and a solid result.

    MiniArt has announced the razorback P-47 for 2025 release.

  7. Very nice work on this beauty. I'll have to give MiniArt a look!

  8. I’d like to learn how you masked the cowling?

  9. One picture...hundred words... First make a copy of a decal sheet on a plain paper, then, carfuly trace with x-acto blade on lines acros patern

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  10. Nice work! They just announced a FW-190D for release next year.

  11. Very well done - I'll have to give MiniArt a go.

  12. Great model, that is a beauty!

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