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Paulo Castro
33 articles

Douglas A-4B Skyhawk Argentine Air ForceAirfix 1/72 (A03029)

November 19, 2017 · in Aviation · · 15 · 5.2K

Hi all
I have decided to build an A-4B from Argentine Air Force during the conflict in 1982.
Politics aside, the conflict proved that skilled pilots can make a difference even when using an outdated, or inferior material. In this case the old and still reliable Scooter (Douglas A-4B Skyhawk).
This is a challenging subject, since the resources available are, quite often, not reliable or conflicting. I was fortunate to find an amazing tread in a scale modelling forum where the author (FAAMAN) made a comprehensive article (post) in regards to the Argentinian Skyhawks.
I have decided to built the A-4B C-242, as seen im late May 1982. It was flown by Primer Teniente (1st Lt) Guadagnini. Unfortunately he was killed on the the 23rd during the attack to HMS Antelope.
Following is the accounting for that day:

23 MAY 1982:
A flight of four Grupo 5 A-4B Skyhawks attack in two groups. The first attack is led by Capitan Carballo with Primer teniente Alferez Gomez flying his wing. They approach HMS Antelope fast and low over the water. The results of the attack are one 1000 lb. un-exploded bomb in the Antelope's stern. It is believed that the Skyhawk piloted by Alférez H. Gómez stroke Antelope with the 1000 lb. bomb that did not explode. (Later this bomb did explode while being defused, leading to further explosions that sunk the ship.) Capaitan Carballo's Skyhawk is severely damaged by AAA and an exploding SAM, and barely escapes a second SAM. Carballo's damaged Skyhawk makes it back to base and post-flight inspection finds a damaged fin on one of his drop tanks. This may have been caused by striking the mast rigging of the Antelope.
The second attack from this flight is flown by Primer Teniente Guadagnini and Teniente Rinke and results in another 1000 lb. unexploded bomb in the Antelope. Primer Teniente Guadagnini flying A-4B Skyhawk C-242 was killed when his Skyhawk was struck, mostly likely by a British Sea Wolf SAM from HMS Broadsword.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Beautifully done, Paolo! Build, paint, weathering: it's all great.

    Well done, Amigo!

  2. I always like Skyhawk models, it’s such a neat design, and this one in Argentine colours looks good, neat work, Paulo.

  3. Excellent Skyhawk

  4. SWEET...nice work, Paulo..!

  5. Cheers mates.
    There are a few things to fix after looking the photos closely. The front landing gear is tilted to the right, the main landing gears needs to be vertical and the opened canopy is not straight. minor things, easy to fix.

  6. Well done Sir ! Your scooter looks great ... I also like how you told the history behind the men and the machines in your article. Two thumbs up Sir !

  7. Hello Paulo,

    Thanks for sharing your model with us. Indeed, the Air Forces of the Navy and Air Force performed to the highest standards.

    I would like to mention one more time, the excellent book about the Malvinas conflict by Santiago Rivas, titled "Wings over the Malvinas".

    At this moment, my thoughts are by the crew of the ARA San Juan, that went missing a few days ago. It is good to read, that the Royal Navy has send HMS Protector from the Falkland Islands to the search area, as many other country's have done also. I hope this will result in a fix on the position of the submarine.


    Dirk / The Netherlands.

  8. Always like Scooters Paulo, once you fix the issues you mentioned it will look even better. Good job.

  9. Very nice! I just got hit by a "project bug," to build a representation of the aircraft of S. American countries. I'm collecting kits and decals now, and doing some research...and trying to decide which aircraft will represent which countries.

  10. This is a very nice rendition of an Argentinian Skyhawk from the Falklands conflict! You did an awesome job on this kit. I like this one!

  11. Thanks again mates

  12. Great job and history Paulo

  13. Thanks again guys! Much appreciated

  14. Beautiful model of the aircraft flown by some bad a*s pilots during that brief conflict.

  15. Thanks David. I really appreciate it

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