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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

A year in Review 2017-

December 25, 2017 · in News · · 24 · 1.6K

This year by far was the most satisfying when it came to actually building and completing projects. Not only getting close to building what I had planned but a few more as well unplanned builds when GB's were announced. Such as the Midway GB where I completed 3 projects, The Year of the Cat, and the Kasserine Pass . And had fun doing it, meeting the deadlines for myself and finishing some left over projects as those are dwindling finally. Still a few more to finally to complete and hope to accomplish that in 2018. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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24 responses

  1. Hey Chuck,
    Merry Christmas! A fine body of work, to be sure! Excellent stuff, and I look forward to seeing your builds in the upcoming year! Nice work my friend!

  2. Very nice builds, I like them very much, keep up the good work.

  3. This is good stuff Chuck ! You have been rather busy and have had a great year for building. I especially like the Midway GB planes, and your contributions helped to make that GB the success it was.

    Like the others, I'll be watching for future postings. Please keep up the good work, and Merry Christmas my friend.

    • Hi Louis, Happy New Year, the Midway GB set the pace for the year with ongoing projects already in progress, the MWGB really got me motivated getting my version of the Gardner/Grumman Iron works in gear. With a couple of GB's in progress it really has got me into it much more. Thanks for all of your encoouragement

  4. Nice collection for the year! Merry Christmas.

  5. I always enjoy your posts, Chuck, and am looking forward to seeing more in 2018.

  6. Yeah, Chuck...what they said..! 🙂

  7. Nice and varied collection of builds! Happy holidays!

  8. A great year, Chuck! Roll on 2018!

  9. You certainly had a great year, Chuck! All your builds are superbly finished, but my favorites are the Vindicator and the MiG-17 - the camouflage scheme on that one is especially well done.

    • Happy New Year Drew, thanks the Vindicator was a bit of a challenge but in the end it worked as I had hoped. The MiG, scheme not so difficult, as I did consider a bare metal finish but in the end stuck to the final finish as it appears.

  10. Nicely done Chuck looks like you had a great year for building models. Really like the camo on the Mig-15. Have a Happy New Year buddy.

  11. Great work and a very nice collection over 2017 Chuck. Thank you for sharing your builds and looking forward to another great year. All my best wishes for 2018.

  12. Great work, Chuck! I started one measly kit and intended to finish another, but STILL haven't done them! LoL!

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