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Brian Scott
78 articles

#3 for 2018 1/48 Tamiya Fw190 D-9

March 14, 2018 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.3K

Just finished her last night the awesome Tamiya Dora . Cant get enough building Tamiya Kits. Painted with Tamiya paints, weathered with Mig wash. Decals are from Eagle Strike. Enjoy 🙂

29196281_10214295904004374_8491439107728211968_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29216818_10214295905004399_8877581303571021824_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29214887_10214295903644365_8902679610685128704_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29214027_10214295903724367_6827178880126681088_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29136705_10214295904484386_2051177682221137920_n by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Cracking scheme, Brian.

  2. Don't recall seeing that particular choice of markings before (but I like it)...nice work!

  3. Really nice job! I love the camo scheme. Sharp looking.

  4. Very nice Dora! Kudos!

  5. A nice build Brian - well done!

  6. Brian, I really like the camouflage scheme!

  7. Very nice work on this. Good paint work.

    Did Tamiya ever straighten out the wing on their kit? When they made this kit from the D-9 at the USAF museum, it still had the D-13 wing with the single ejection port in the center lower section.

    A note for folks about color. What has been called "Braunviolett" ("brown-violet) is actually a color that began life as something approximating US olive drab. Since sun fading in the ETO only took place above the clouds, where there was increased U-V radiation, the violet came out - what's thought of as "Braunviolett" is the faded result, which looks (again) very close to the result seen on B-17s and B-24s that also sun-faded at high altitude. The reason it happened so quickly on German airplanes (this model looks really right, and Black 10 is known to have been with JG 26 for less than three months in the winter of 1945) as opposed to US airplanes that don't show it so extreme unless they're 80-mission+ planes, was due to poor German paint quality. HTH

  8. Great Dora and an interesting and excellent paint job. Well done, Brian.

  9. Really like the way your Dora looks Brian. Well done.

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