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Bhandez Models
22 articles

Republic P-47 D-30 Thunderbolt 1:32 scale Trumpeter

November 8, 2018 · in Aviation · · 21 · 4.7K

"One of the most unusual victory claims of any pilot was made by Colonel Joseph L Laughlin of the 379th FS, 362nd FG, when flew 'Five by five' from Etain, France, in March 1945. During an attack on Brest harbour in 1944 he evidently managed to bomb a light cruiser and was credited with sinking it - although the precise circumtances of this event are unclear. Overall, Laughlin flew 100 combat sorties and achieved three victotries in air combat plus the cruiser."
/ Claes Sundin - Allied Fighters magazine

1:32 scale kit built from box plus resin wheels & seatbelts.
Working hours: many 🙂

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. That's a might fine looking T-Bolt!

  2. Beautiful Jug, Bhandez. The real testament to this is that the tight in shots show no flaws at all. Very well done. And that prop looks amazing.


  3. That turned out beautifully...well done indeed.

  4. Holy molly, that is a beautiful Jug. Not sure if the story is true, but the build is perfect!

  5. This is very nice work, particularly the NMF.

  6. Nicely done, I like it a lot.

  7. I just finished re-reading "Thunderbolt", the WWII story of Robert S. Johnson, while flying the P-47 in Europe. Johnson wound up being credited with shooting down 28 German aircraft, all while flying the P-47; it is a fascinating story, one that describes the men who flew and fought this fabulous machine, and gives insight into the marvelous P-47. When I see models like your P-47D, it reminds me very vividly of the battles fought by Robert S. Johnson over Europe. You did a splendid job on this Thunderbolt model. Congratulations!

    • Thank you Marvin, very kind of you, I am flattered. I have not read the book yet but I certainly will do so, thank you for letting me know about it.
      Well I always do the best not to build the models precisely only but also use all my knowledge of the technical and historical background of the particular aircraft. I am very happy to hear that you find it that realistic.
      Wish you all the best and happy building!

  8. This is an absolute superb build in every way. You really captured the look of this "Jug" in every respect. Very impressed with your outstanding NMF work. Very realistic, not toy like. Just the right sheen for real WW2 front line aircraft. Cockpit and belts awesome. Weathering is perfect!

  9. Beautiful Thunderbolt!

  10. En las fotos parece real.Que trabajo !

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