The Republic Database at iModeler

20 articles
  • Items tagged with Republic
  • 20 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 1 month ago

Review: Halberd Models/Tamiya XP-47H conversion

Chrysler began development of a massive new liquid-cooled engine in early 1940, which became the Chrysler XIV-2220, offering 2,500hp. To simplify things, Chrysler decided to put two V-8s together inline, producing an inverted 16-cylinder [...]

Republic F 84F Thunderstreak, 5-653 Getti Tonanti, 5 Aerobrigata, Rimini, Italy 1959.

1/72 PJ productions, resin kit, Italeri kit decals with Sky 72-009 roundels, built 03-2020 to 12-2022, I added 4g of lead above the nose wheel well, a 1/32" brass wire wing spar, replaced the jet pipe with alloy tube, mistakenly [...]

P-47D Thunderbolt, 1/48 Italeri

Hi all ! This is my latest model, the P47D 1/48 Italeri. My first metallic color kit, and trying to give this old used condition as usual... The instruments in the cockpit with dry brush worked well. I also made my own masks for the canopy [...]

Dora Wings 1/48 P-43A Lancer, 1943

This is my first Dora Wings kit, which is produced in the Ukraine. I really enjoyed building this P-43 Lancer. It’s very well executed for the most part but one has to keep in mind this is a limited run model with delicate recessed panel [...]

‘Straffing the Ammo Storage !’ 1/72 P-47 Razorback Airfix

Hello, once again, today I would like to show you, one of the most challenging builds I ever did. The MOTORIZED P-47 Razorback or as it used to be called THE JUG. This build was done in the summer of 2019 and it was my first ever build [...]

Rareplane 1/72 Republic P-43 Lancer

Rareplane's P-43 Lancer, my first vac-form build. This is an old vac-form kit released at 1972, single sheet with decent details. It was not a horrible build but did have some minor issues to deal with. My first plan was to use a resin [...]

F-105D Marineflieger, 1/72 Hasegawa

What if the West Germans back in the day replaced their F-84's with the Thud instead of the F-104? Less fatalities, maybe, I don't know. I got this off the net, there was supposed to be a 'B'[ shorter nose] in the box but it turned out to [...]

F-84F Thunderstreak, 1/48 Scale, Monogram kit

6- 26 code 6° aerobrigata ...RED DEVILS ...Brescia ( GHEDI) aerobase Aeronautica Militare Italiana ...

Republic Thunderbolt P-47D – 1/72 Revell

Kit: P-47D – Revell 1/72 scale Model finished: February 2019 Modeler: Roberto Lúcio / [email protected] Club: GPP-JG400 – Grupo de Plastimodelismo e Pesquisa JG-400 / Natal – RN – Brasil Model built into the GB about Brazil [...]

P47 D 1/72 tamiya

Small build of this ww2 war bird. ?