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Fw-190 F8 Stab/SG2 Tamiya 1/48

December 12, 2018 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.3K

Hello my friends

There is a long time from my last contribution.
Maybe, this kit from could be the root cause ? I had a lot of issues with this kit, surprisingly.
I have always wanted this scheme for my F8 version, and it was very challenging for me.
Unfortunately, I forgot the guns at the leading edge and broke the antenna juste before the shooting pics !
The next one will be less difficult but, as for the rest of my collection, a part of History.
Enjoy, and as usual, feel free for feedbacks and critics


Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Looks like the effort was worth it! Came out really well, and I like that scheme - not often scene on a 190 model.

  2. This is one of the most interesting 190 schemes there is, very striking but effective in those war conditions. Your build is just terrific Emmanuel, I say it’s a shame the fuselage mottling became obscured by the stripes, it was made with great skill and attention clearly.

    Ther is some controversy regarding the colour of the nose ring. Most go for red, but some sources claim other colours claiming red is to close to those VVS red noses and that was flak bait. Since no definitive document came to light, I’d say red suits him better

    • Thank you my friend for your comments.
      I hesitated to make the ring black, but I found that the red gave a particular brilliance, even if I think like you that the red was not very appreciated on the front of the east 😉
      Have a nice day

  3. Un camuflaje muy original y llamativo que , a pesar de verlo en libros nunca me he atrevido a hacerlo

  4. Beautiful work, a very realistic depiction of the field-applied winter camo. I really like this a lot!

    • Thank you Tom. Coming from you, I really appreciate.
      Your models were a source of inspiration for me, and your reviews, especially on Modeling Madness are a source of inspiration.
      You did 3 Fw190-F8 on this site and I really hesitate between this one and the “Black 15” from Hasegawa which is just stunning ?
      Maybe next time

  5. Nicely Done Emmanuel!

  6. absolutely gorgeous...are you using a .002 needle? That is one of the nicest recreations I've seen in a while.

  7. Beautiful job on the camo and weathering

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