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Michael Gosse
13 articles

Jet Age Museum in Gloucestershire part 2

March 3, 2019 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.4K

Dear iModelers! I was thinking about continuing one of my last articles about the Jet Age Museum. During a wonderful road trip through the southwestern part of Britain in 2017, I got the chance to visit the Jet Age Museum in Gloucestershire where they focus mainly on Gloster‘s history. They have this very nice little museum shop there where I found this kit. I was worried about the kit being damaged on the flight back home, so one of the museum‘s initiators, Trevor Davis, was so kind and sent it to me. And luckily it arrived safely couple of weeks later . Hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Well done, Michael! Great job painting the finish on that Meteor.


  2. Outstanding build, Neil - good work (and a nice little gift shop, too).

  3. Awesome work michael! The metal finish with the different metal shades looks fantastic!

  4. Michael,

    If your going to make a entrance make it with a splash. Or a splash of silver. I've got the same kit and the same after market stuff its on the to do pile. The Meteor is one of those kits that you can appreciate for being a trail blazer in British aviation. Two thumbs up.

    • Thank you very much, Stephen! Actually this was my first 1/48 kit from Airfix. Next time I would do some things in a different way. You can save time by not building the engines for example; or build them and expose them. And the cockpit and nose section is much more tricky as expected. Anyway sometimes I think it would be cool to build kits twice (and I already bought one of my next projects twice...)

  5. Like it a lot! NMF is top-notch work. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks great! Very nice NMF work. Well done.

  7. Thank you very much, dear Greg!

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