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Nikos Kosmadakis
19 articles

Thank you iModeler

May 8, 2019 · in News · · 12 · 1.6K

Just received my kit for the March awards! Finally gonna sleep with an Italian beauty. Thank you imodeler and congratulations to all!

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Congratulations, Nikos! She's a beauty!

  2. Sleeping with an Italian beauty ... show me the way, Nikos!

  3. Great choice Nikos, Congratulations!

  4. Congrats, Nikos...and remember, "Italian beauties" like this one are always a WIP. 🙂

  5. great looking kit and even better sense of humor

  6. Nice! Congrats and and have fun with her!
    Do they make Monica Bellucci in larger scale? Just curious...

  7. Hello Nikos,

    Very impressed with ALL your work.
    Especially the Dutch coastal tug.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  8. Congrats Niko, great selection. I'm looking forward to you putting your touch to it.

  9. To everyone, thank you very much! Glad to be a member of this group.

  10. Kudos Nikos and congratulations.

  11. Very cool. Looking forward to the build

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