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Robert Royes
257 articles

Dad's Dr 1, Eduards 1/48

February 7, 2020 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.5K

Well, I did what I could with it, I'm really not good with photo etch parts . they gave me a bit of trouble, with my shaky hands and all. As I've said before , this was an unfinished kit of my dads. He loved the DR-I, It was to him what the P-51 or Spitfire or Phantom is to one of a bit younger years. The Red Baron was one of his favorite heroes, besides Darth Vader. Between kit built and scratch built he must have done close to two dozen Dr-1s. I painted it black being it was my dads favorite color, and to hide my many oops. I also included a family line up, of which he did the D7, I did the 8 another kit that he left to me.

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8  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Nicely done Robert! Finishing your Dad's kit and all...
    Nicely done...

  2. Well done Robert, I like the way it looks in black.

  3. Great result, Robert. Thanks for not doing a red one!

  4. Robert, as you have followed some of my postings, you know that my Father introduced me to scale modeling. He built a Red Barron DR 1 back in the mid 60's and I cannot remember the brand or scale, but I do know it was larger than the 1/48 scale P-47 I helped him build. Not that I helped much, he let me paint a few odds and ends but the main thing was his instruction during the process. He later built a Sopwith Camel and displayed the pair on a shelf in the family den. They were not to be touched.

    Thanks for the fond memories. I will build one in the future once I feel my skill set is there to do it justice.

    In the tone of DLS, @dirtylittlefokker, A Fine Finish of a Fabulous Fokker!

    "Liked" and greatly appreciated.

  5. A fitting tribute to your father.

  6. Thanks guys. James, your fathers build could have been the old revell 1/28 kit.

  7. Looks great - who doesn't like the Fokker Tri!

  8. What a great looking build! So awesome that you finished it in black, what a great choice!
    This model is on my list of kits to build, this inspires me! Thank you for posting!

  9. Nice one Robert. You did your Dad proud!

  10. Looks great Robert. Your Dad is most likely smiling now! I think the DR.7 might suffer the same stereotype as the P-40 with its sharkmouth. Once you've seen Werner Voss's plane with the eyes and eyebrows, it just seems like something's missing when they're not there!

  11. Good to see it finished, Robert, you must be very pleased with the outcome.

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