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Marc Barris
97 articles

1/32 Scale MB 326 Scratch Build Part 1

February 21, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.9K

Well its time for the next scratch build, After finishing the Mirage F1 in 32nd scale, I have decided to build another popular aircraft that served in the South African Airforce, namely the MB 326, or as its known in South Africa, the Atlas Impala. I will be building both versions, the Mk1, 2 seat trainer and the Mk 2, a single seat strike aircraft.

So, for all of you that have shown an interest in my previous builds, this might be up your street, and it will be great to get all the comments and motivation from you guys.

I will be posting the final pictures of the F1 soon, as I have just received some custom made decals, and I will be putting them on this week end.

Thanks as always for the support on all my builds that I have posted so far on Imodeler, you Guy's have been amazing.



Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Good choice! Very nice colourscheme on the header-photo.

  2. I cant wait to see this take shape.

  3. whoo hoooo! Another Marc beast! Looking forward to the journey.

  4. Good looking 326 Marc.

  5. Marc, I will be watching with great interest as this build takes shape.

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