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Amari Luu
38 articles

Rusty old T-34

May 19, 2020 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.8K

I built this as part of a larger diorama that I am going to build. I experimented a lot with different techniques such as using a sponge to paint chipped paint. Overall it was a very fun build.

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6  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Great battle damage. Pak 75? I like those 34's with the cast Chkz turret.

  2. Great looking armor. Be sure to show us the diorama when it is done.

  3. Great looks Amari! Your techniques yield excellent results. Waiting impatiently for the diorama.
    All the best!

  4. Looking forward to seeing the end result Amari.

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