Balkans Brit...1/48 Bristol Blenheim Mk.I Royal Yugoslav Airforce

November 5, 2020 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.2K


My dad´s latest completion.
Airfix kit, seatbelt decals for the pilot seat from the sparesbox, masking tape for the other seats, painted with a selfmixed RLM65 (mix not known anymore), ochre paint mixed with Tamiya XF-60 Dark Yellow and Gunze H310 Tan, Gunze H309 FS34079 green and Tamiya XF-10 Brown. Markings are from Lift Here Decals and LF models. Used EZ Line for the antenna wire. The kit provides only one type of pitot tube, so my dad cut off the lower part and glued a plastic rod onto it to get the needed one.

Build thread here

Besides the initial two British Blenheims which came in silver, Yugoslavia produced 40 licence aircraft that where factory painted in the Yugo 3-tone scheme, a further 20 used RAF aircraft were bought too. These came in DG/DE over black camo. Most of them were repainted in Yugo camo until the German attack in April 1941. Decided to build one of the repainted planes.
Lift Here Decals were for aircraft No.3548. This was the only imported Blenheim that received additional defensive guns and a new turret. Because my dad is no scratchbuild god he decided to leave the number away and apply none. The roundels were too big, so I bought a LF Models Yugo Bf110 decal sheet (used one of these recently as you may remember) and these roundels suited much better.

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14  Awesome 2  1 

25 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Love seeing alternative camo schemes. The shelf gets more interesting once you get away from the standard schemes of the major powers. Keep up the great work!

  2. Excellent paint job! Beautiful and very inspiring work ?

  3. Great work on this. I really like the color scheme. Made one of these earlier this year and back dated it to an early bomber version.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Great work. Lesser-known air forces often have really interesting schemes. "Liked"

  5. Yep, really like the Yugo colors. Want to do a pointy nosed Hurricane one of these days.
    Very sharp work on this.

  6. Excellent job, Reinhard!
    I go with Tom above with the lesser known interesting schemes!

  7. A beautiful Blenheim, and some great details in the cockpit. Well done.

  8. Reinhard, @grimreaper
    What an excellent build ! Your Dad is a master craftsman. Every thing he builds is always perfect. These lesser known Yugo paint schemes are very attractive, and he did another magnificent job here. I especially liked the photo with the Blenheim parked next to the Bf-110. I never realized these planes were so similar in size.
    I pressed the "liked" button too...

  9. Great build and choice of colour scheme.

  10. A beautiful build in a even more beautiful scheme, Reinhard.
    Saw one flying last year during an airshow in England, a beauty when in it's elements.

  11. Thanks a lot for all the likes and comments!
    Yes, a good looking camo, that´s why we chose it, some diversion from the mainstream 🙂
    Looks like the Iranian Asia Minor camo 😀

  12. Great looking the paint scheme...well done!

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