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Steve Oakson
37 articles

Covid No.8 and No.9 ‘46 What Ifs

December 25, 2020 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.8K

No. 8. DO(rnier)Re(ggiane)Me(sserschmitt) -2005 Vogelsong. This is the kit. I really have enjoyed there Italian birds. Since the Reggiane Re-2005 had been tested by the Germans toward near the end of the war, I decided to take this one step further. I incorporated what thought might have been asked for if they had put it in production with DB-603 AS engine. Modified the air intake for larger air volume intake, and Focke-Wulf TA-152 late blown hood and windscreen- for better vision and protection. Also installed a rack for a single drop tank. The DO,RE,ME ,as modified, would have had excellent low to mid altitude climb,speed, and manueverability that were better than the latest Me and FW birds. The Germans were able to reduce considerably the man hours to build the airframes. Tamiya, Alcoa's, Modell Master, Vallejo paints. Decals from the spares box. No.9 TA-152c3 This would have been a deadly bomber destroyer with 3-30mm and 2-20 mm cannon with altitude performance best suited for the mid altitude scenario. This is the Pacific Coast Models kit. Having built a number of 190a kits, I knew what to expect and there were no surprises. I changed the radio mast arrangement to eliminate the hood to tail wire. Paints :Tamiya, MM, Alclad. Decals from the kit and spares box. Enough for today's entries. These builds were close to being complete when Covid hit ,but I had to rework the wind screen on the 2005,as it was placed incorrectly prior to Covid. I couldn't stand how I placed it and to correct it in my eyes. With subsequent repainting necessary . Will post more late

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2  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. You've got a good imagination.

  2. This is an inspired what if, Steve!
    And an excellent build!

  3. Good looking combination, Steve.

  4. Two more nice builds to add to the collection.

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