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Predrag Ivanovic
25 articles

“And now for something completely different”- Spitfire Mk.I Eduard 1/48

January 26, 2021 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.7K

So, second of two 's MkI. This time first operetional in use. 19th Squadron 1938.

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10  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Are those roundels from the kit? I ask because I had an initial release kit, you couldn't get that result with those decals, the yellow was waaaay too thin.

    Very nice work on this, it's such a great kit.

    • Yes, roundels are from the "The few" kit, and You're right they are light yelow compaeing to other roundels yelow (the diference could be seen in picture with both models together). I tried to "dark it" a bit with dark brown panel wash.

  2. Very nice Spitfire, Predrag.
    Well done.

  3. Great looking Spit - and a nice pair there together!

  4. Very nice looking Spitfires !

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