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Tom Cleaver
933 articles

Bill Bosworth does a boat

February 23, 2021 · in Ships · · 7 · 2.1K

Not only does the man make amazing scratchbuilt models, he's no slouch with a ship.

These shots of the Revell 1/350 just showed up in my in-box.

He occasionally drops by here, and wanted me to say that when it comes to putting photoetch on his ships models, he uses jeweler's watch cement, which dries clear and strong, while giving time to get things set right without making a mess.

Bill also says that the Gold Medal Models set for this kit is good if one takes their time and measures things.

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15  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. An impressive build!

  2. Yep, simply amazing!
    Look real.

  3. That's one hell'a big boat. Excellent!

    Good tip on the watch cement.

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