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Brian Riedel
45 articles

1/48 Hawk/Testors P-47D

June 26, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 195

A P-47D using the Hawk/Testors kit as a starting point. I was a major AMS junkie in the 90's and early 2000's. Hence, I amassed a lot of discarded kit parts to use on other kits.

This one used an engine front, cowling, wheels, landing gear, propeller and cockpit from a kit. The bombs and possibly the flat belly tank are from an kit. The flaps and elevators are resin items from Medallion Models. Superscale decals for a plane from the 78th FG.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Fantastic job, Brian! Amazing that you combined various parts from various kits!

  2. Beauty. I've got three in the stash. Did you have any problems with the clear part?. I've ready that they aren't wide enough...I hope not

  3. Nicely done! Once again one of those old Hawk kits looking good!

  4. Great job on the Hawk kit! And very inspired kit-bash/AMS applications. The checkerboard looks fabulous. I only recently became aware of Medallion Models products having obtained a cockpit upgrade for the Monogram P-40B. They are now carried by Starfighter Decals. I am wondering, did you use the Medallion Models cockpit included in the update set or the Monogram one piece cockpit tub?

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. Frankenbolt! Great minds think alike, I built one with a Monogram cowling too.

  6. Excellent build! Made the most of a variety of parts...

  7. Awesome Thunderbolt, Brian @bzak
    The checkerboard pattern on the nose looks perfect.

  8. Nice T bolt! good to see an older kit.

  9. One of my earliest builds as an adult was a franken build using the Otaki Corsair with MOnogram Corsair parts and a lot of scratchbuilding. It was a blast to do and I still ahve it. Excellent result here Brian (@bzak). Thanks for sharing it.

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