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François Riga
6 articles

Morane Saulnier MS 226

August 10, 2024 · in Aviation · · 10 · 124

Another oldie, the Morane 226. A conversion made 16 years ago already, from a MS 225 kit. A lot of job to correct some of the kit big issues, besides the conversion. The main points to be addressed are:

  • Fuselage width to be substantially reduced behind the cockpit (it should be oval instead of barrel-shaped)
  • Wingspan to be reduced by two ribs
  • Engine cowling to be reworked
  • Landing hook to be made
  • Cockpit detailed
  • Flotation profiles to be made and added under the wings
  • Propeller blades pitch to be inverted


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3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Excellent work and a great result. What grey did you use for the Aeronavale colours?

    • Thanks Christopher. On this one, build several years ago, I used Humbrol 144 + a touch of white to make it lighter.
      Nowadays I would probably use the French "Gris Bleu Foncé" from Lifecolor. Same shade but easier to use as you don't have to mix it.

  2. Another fantastic result, François! Very nice corrections and improvements!

  3. Another great build François @friga!

  4. A great conversion, François @friga
    Quite a lot of modifications done nicely to make it look this way.

  5. Now there's one I don't recall ever seeing built! Looks great.

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