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Amari Luu
39 articles

Tamiya P-38 Lightning

January 4, 2025 · in Aviation · · 6 · 276

Many of you might know that I used to be a volunteer at the National Museum of WWII Aviation. My favorite plane to work on was the “White 33” which was 's reference when designing their kit. As I already made a White 33 in its actual markings, I wanted to give my new one invasion stripes and some altered decals in a what if situation where the plane served in Europe instead of the Pacific.

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6 responses

  1. That's a lot of P-38s Amari!

  2. Love all the P-38's. Since Tamiya released their excellent P-38, most of the old reasons for not building these beautiful birds have disappeared given the superb fit of the kit parts.

  3. Beautiful result of White 33 including the stripes, Amari @themturtles
    A nice collection.

  4. Very nice looking models. I enjoyed building those Tamiya P-38s.

  5. Excellent job, Amari!

  6. Very nice - and quite the line-up of 38's! Well done.

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