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Matija Lisec
25 articles


January 5, 2017 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2K

It's an model which i detailed with a partly scratch built cockpit, Eduard interior and exterior parts, CMK control surfaces,part of the engine, wheel dolly. The ladder and fire extinguisher are scratch built. Jeep is Hasegawa which i modified with add-on armor and some bits and pieces. I`s supposed to represent an abandoned/captured airfield with the a/c in the process of refueling. Standard procedure was for the crew to use water under pressure to clean off the tanks before mixing C-Stoff and T-Stoff or extreme chemical reactions would(and have) occurred.

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4  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Creative presentation, Matija. The airframe finishes are quite subtle - important I think on such a small model.

  2. Nice little dio, sir...well done.

  3. For what must be a pretty small scene it looks much bigger in the photographs, nicely done.

  4. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Interesting piece and subject Matija, nicely done!

  5. Thank you gents!

  6. Looks great, nice job.

  7. Nice! I've got an older kit - I think Heller - is the Academy a re-box of an older product? Hope mine turns out as good!

  8. Nice display Matija, well done.

  9. Amazing work 🙂

  10. I have built this kit so I'd know how small it is. Fantastic work on everything, including the base, really brings the model to life.

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