23 articles · 1.3K karma · 6 friends · active 4 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Who: Zygons 28mm

these small bundle of red hostility are from Warlord games into the Time Vortex game. I have been a fan of doctor Who since a kid and its awesome that we are seeing a growing amount of figures from the Sci-Fi show. These are 28mm or 1.1 [...]

Bandai 1/12 Kylo Ren

This was a fun build. Bandai have kept trying new ways to do capes. Ren's is a soft flexible material that holds really good surface detail. I sprayed it black. Bandai kits are coloured right out of the box but they look a lot better if [...]

FFG Imperial Assault AT-ST

As this piece is from a miniature game the build is quite rudimentary. A handful of parts snap together tightly and don't require glue. Overall its not too bad especially if space is a big limitation for you. It has decent detail though [...]