23 articles · 1.3K karma · 6 friends · active 4 years, 10 months ago

Zayna The Goblin Queen Bust

I got this a while back and overall like it a lot. Its a different kind of fantasy bust being a Goblin Queen. One complaint about Iter Miniatures is the final product is a little different than the actual mini. While it hasn't bothered me [...]

Ouroboros Miniatures New Skin Bust

The second Ouroboros Miniature I got was their Android bust and she is very cool. I got her for the Starfinder RPG as they have androids in it and it gave me some story ideas. Its a really cool mini. (link)

Ouroboros Miniatures Female Barbarian 54mm

Ouroboros Miniatures is a small company that has been doing some pretty imaginative figures lately. They have a couple of Barbarians like the one pictured and then went on to do some cyberpunk busts. they have been cool to deal with and [...]

Hamilton Warplane Aviation Museum Ontario

The other museum near me is the one located at Hamilton. They are amazing in that their mandate is to fly not just to display. They are currently rebuilding several warbirds and have a impressive amount of birds. Including A PBY, B-25 and [...]

Trenton Museum Ontario

On the way back from Ottawa we stopped in to visit the only restored Halifax in the world. An interesting museum with a lot more than I thought. (link)

Bandai 1/72 A-Wing Starfighter

This is Bandai's excellent "snap time play time" as my son calls it. They do with snap fit what some companies can't do with traditional methods. They don't bake their plastic which means that it can be effected by some of the [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Ve-11R Thunderseeker

Finally finished something other than figures. This is a 1/72 Hasegawa kit based on the Japanese anime series Macross. Hasegawa has been slowly increasing their line of these jets. The fit is not Tamiya but its not too bad. It goes from [...]

Reaper Bones Ogres

So these two are painted to tabletop quality rather than shelf quality. The reason is these are for use in a game. Which means unlike your typical kit/figure they are going to be touched a lot. Normally I prefer doing really thin coats and [...]

Bandai 1/72 Y-Wing

This is the 1/72 Y-Wing from Bandai. It is very good kit but so far the first one i wouldn't give to a kid. There is loads of piping it is finicky and fragile. This has taken the longest of any Bandai I have done. Most of the bast build [...]

Reaper Miniature Undead jester

This is a 28mm Undead jester from Reaper Miniatures. I ended up basing my colour choice on the one the company did for theirs. The red and black seemed a good idea so instead of trying to muck around and come up with something new I went [...]