31 articles · 28.8K karma · 48 friends · active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Total aviation person

F-16 at 50 Group build

The prototype for the F-16 (YF-16) was rolled out in December 1973, and first flight was the unintentional one in 1974 on January 20th with the official one following February 2nd. In order not to have too many long-running group this one [...]

F-16 Group Build

Always looking for interesting topics to start a new group, I come across the F-16. The prototype was rolled out in December 1973, and first flight was the unintentional one in 1974 on January 20th with the official one following February [...]

Converting a Bf 109 to a Ha-1109

The starting point is the SBS-model resin conversion kit mentioned elsewhere on iModeler. It is designed to use Tamiyas new Bf109G-6. Instead of filling in a lot of words here, might I interest you with a link to the full build over in [...]

SAS75 deadline approaching

Just wanted to give a heads-up if you had planned to enter the SAS 75th anniversary group. Deadline was originally set at August 1st for your entry to get started, so if you want to enter a long-term build now is the time to post it. No [...]

DH100GB approaching the closing date

Just a reminder that the de Havilland 100th Group Build is more or less 1½ month from closing for new entries! (link) time to get started as the sun is setting so pop the lids and get a build going! Builds that are commenced - and can [...]

SAS 75th anniversary

Tomorrow, August 1st, it is 75 years ago that Scandinavian Airlines System was created by gathering some of the oldest airlines in existence; DDL, DNL and ABA (SILA). As a consequence of its age and the items used to run an airline, there [...]

de Havilland Group Build

Just wanted to remind you that we have passed the half-mark for the DH100GB, and if you have a build to get started there it may be now that you want to make your initial posting on the build. Go to the groups section and find it [...]

Hispano Me 109E

Just checked the site of SBS-model for their latest news, and lo-and-behold, they have added a conversion for Eduards 1/32 109E to their growing range of 109 variations. From what I can see, they are of the same high quality as in the [...]


And with the 109's in 1/72 rolling off the machine at Special Hobby, it is now the Buchón that is released. There are some nice details in the kit, like the pointy ferry tank they used for flights to their African bases. One rather [...]

Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 WNr 161742, Slowak, Eduard 1/48

I do know this Eduard kit has been presented here before, but in order to present my 109's I have chosen to add it here too. I have used the kit decals even though I do realise they are slightly wrong with too fat lines. I opened the vent [...]