17 articles · 1.1K karma · 3 friends · active 7 hours, 22 minutes ago

1/35 Tamiya Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar

This my first attempt at ambush / disc camouflage. All colors were Vallejo. My process was as follows: Paint the vehicle in a 3 color pattern. Seal with clear coat to prevent paint lifting. Create dots using blue painters tape and [...]

Early war Sd. Kfz. 232 6 Rad

Early war 1/35 armored car from Italeri. Built out of the box with the addition of the frame antenna cable and attachment point, figure and stowage. Finished with Vallejo colors and Ammo blue and brown filters. Weathered with AK effects [...]

1/35 Tamiya DAK Pz IV

Got a great deal on a Tamiya 1970’s panzer IV. I built it mostly stock except for the tracks because they were very brittle and broke as soon as I put any tension on them. I had a set of Academy single link tracks which I used. I [...]

Vintage (1982) Italeri 234/3 8 Wheeled Armored Car

Italeri 1982 kit #234. Built straight from the box with scratch built wood slat seats, additional MG 42 with mount, scratch built tarp and miscellaneous stowage. Figure is from the Tamiya Panther G kit finished with Vallejo paints. [...]

1/35 Tamiya Wespe

Taniya’s 1/35 Wespe “Italian front” kit. The Wespe was a Pz.Kpfw.II chassis-based howitzer with a production run of 676. My Wespe depicts a Panzergrenadier Division Großdeutschland Vehicle in Russia during summer. Painted with [...]

1/35 Tamiya Krupp Protze.

Krupp Protze 6 wheeled supply truck with the 2nd SS while attached to Guderian’s 2nd panzer during Operation Barbarossa. Built straight from the box with the additions of stowage, vehicle jack, dash gauges and rifle brackets (in cab). [...]

1/35 Tamiya FLAKPANZER IV Wirbelwind

Vehicle represents a late war autumn SSLAH FLAKPANZER IV wirbelwind with crew. Paint scheme is taken from Takom Tiger II with late war dark yellow, soft edged brown and hard edged white. 1/35 Tamiya kit built straight from the box, [...]

Sd.Kfz.251/1 Wiking Division

Eastern front Wiking division half track. Finishing done using Tamiya and Vallejo paints. Weathering was done primarily with washes with Vallejo German Camo black brown, dry brushing with Vallejo Iraqi sand, MiG tan filter and AK summer [...]

Tamiya 1/35 Jagdpanther

Tamiya Jagdpanther tank destroyer in 1/35. Pretty much mandatory kit for German armor guys, and the coolest WW2 TD in my humble opinion. Airbrushed the “big stripe” Camo freehand using Tamiya paints. Weathering was done with Vallejo [...]

Kubelwagen Type 82 Radio vehicle

Tamiya kit with Tiger Werk resin radio and cabinet accessory kit. Folded down roof and canvas covered wind screen are Verlinden. Radio cabling is painted thread. Antennas are stretched sprue. External “jerry can” rack is scratch [...]