Models have been along periodically since childhood.
Over the years, I built close to 1000 models.
I want to share my excitement from this great hobby with the images presented here.
"Shangri La", the iconic P-51B piloted by Capt. D. Gentile, 336th FS, 4th FG with the early white spinner. And how disappointing was the end of this aircraft...
My interpretation of the "Desert Snake" Stuka flown by Leu Lt. Hubert Polz from Tmimi, Libya in 1941. The black and white photos confirm that the red color stands out from the camouflaged background.
The gem of all gems. Nicest model ever produced.
A "checker nose" Wurger W.Nr.550476 flown by the Commander of 1./JG 1, Oblt Georg Schotts, Deelen AB, Holland 1943.
Kou Night Fighter: 4th Flight regiment, 2nd Attack Squadron, Ozuki A.F., Yamaguchi 1944.
Meng was quick to issue the slated roof attached on Merkava tanks operating in Gaza. It is a counter measure to deflect RPG projectiles dropped from drones.
Meng's Merkava 4 variant is the best model in the scale. The most notable [...]
This Fw190D-9 "Schwarz 12" W.Nr. 500570 of 6. Staffel, II./JG 6 was surrendered to elements of the US 10th Photo Reconnaissance Group at Furth, near Nurnberg on May 8th, 1945. "Schwarz 12" was one of the very few [...]
A kit that does not fail.
Vic Tatelman's Dirty Dora is perfectly rendered by Accurate Miniatures. It so well molded that I did not expand the radius of engine cowls being afraid to spoil the build...