189 articles · 15.2K karma · 15 friends · active 1 hour, 59 minutes ago

Models have been along periodically since childhood.

Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn

The Nashorn was a tank destroyer developed as an interim solution to combat increasing armor threats in the battlefield. It was based primarily on the Panzer IV chassis and the 88mm PAK 43 gun. The Nashorn is a favorite topic of mine since [...]

Focke-Wulf Fw 189 A-2

Great Wall Hobby's 1/48 Fliegende Auge (Flying Eye) is a challenging build. The kit is highly detailed and appears to have accurate dimensions. Yet, instructions lack essential information and subassemblies such as, the cockpit and engines [...]

Hellenic Falcon: Hasegawa F-16D Block 52+

The Conformal Fuel Tanks and avionics added to the Block 52+ were a quantum leap for the Fighting Falcon in terms interception range and bombing capabilities. Unlike the real aircraft where the CFTs were made from the same materials like [...]

Wingnut Wings 1/32 Sopwith Pup RFC

Wingnut Wings Sopwith Pup boasts with excellent surface detail. Yet, since it is a bi-lane from WWI it requires comprehensive wiring for control cables, engine ignition wires, and fuselage bracing wires. Wings assembly is tricky. All the [...]

Aftermarket detailing: IDF RF-4E

An easy access to comprehensive reference material, not to mention scrutiny in salvaged aircraft led to this project. This was an opportunity to exploit the full range of resin aftermarket kits designed for the Hasegawa 1/48 RF-4E. Detail [...]

Hobbyboss 1/48 F-105G Thunderchief

Hobbyboss' Thud kit is not a great kit. It is plagued with fit and shape issues, notably the cockpit components. Nonetheless, the model radiates much of the greatness of this fighter. Given the large number of parts that require [...]

Heinkel He 177 "Greif": Now and then

The revolutionary German heavy bomber that had two engines driving one propeller shaft received the attention of model makers over the years. In 1967, Airfix came out with an impressive 1/72nd scale that was highly detailed by comparison [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom

The venerable Phabulous. kit was used again to depict JASDF's Mitsubishi manufactured Phantom.

Trumpeter 1/35 BM-21 Grad

The iconic Russian multiple rocket launcher is well depicted in Trumpeter's offering. I chose a Syrian Army scheme where the system is widely used. The build is somewhat challenging due to the complexity of the system and vehicle. [...]

ICM 1/32 Stearman PT-13 Kaydet

ICM's Stearman is a very nice kit. Texture surface and details are excellent. The build is free of hassles and the join of wings to struts is fair. Most of the location holes for the cables are marked. Yet, being a biplane the build is [...]