22 articles · 7.9K karma · 19 friends · active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

I've been building model kits since I was a kid and just recently started shooting and editing video of the whole process. I started putting content on YouTube, where I am also @brithebuilder, to share a build I was doing for a friend and I've found that I really enjoy putting my work out there for people to see.

Feel free to check out my work: https://linktr.ee/brithebuilder

Maschinen Krieger - MK44 AmmoknightKing of Hearts

This is my first Maschinen Krieger kit. It's a really fun kit, nothing too complex. The overall creation of the joints and poseability feels very similar to a Bandai Gundam kit. Adding the LEDs did complicate things a bit, but it seemed [...]

Conan the Destroyer

I've been a fan of Frank Frazetta for a very long time. I really never intended to do sculptures based on his works. A friend who commissioned the Death Dealer piece was also interested in this painting becoming a statue. I was not [...]

Death Dealer IIIan homage to Frank Frazetta

This is a commission piece for a friend in Washington State. I was not confident in my ability to pull off such a complicated sculpture. I haven't worked in ZBrush for a long time, and I wasn't really ever proficient in it. The idea of [...]

Marvel's X-23

X-23 is Wolverine's daughter... or more accurately a clone using Wolverine's blood as the source. Depends on how hardcore of a Marvel fan you are. I'm a pretty casual fan of many things. This is a 3D printed statue purchased from [...]

Death Dealer III Custom Sculpture

This is a commissioned piece from a friend who is a retired Navy SARC. It's been a while since I used ZBrush and I was never very good with it when I messed around with it a few years ago. After we started talking about this project I was [...]

WWII German boots

Allrighty, so in my recent absence I've been spending a lot of time relearning a software tool called ZBrush. I also decided I needed to purchase a tablet screen in order to sculpt a few different projects. Both of them have been a [...]

Cyclops from the 7th Voyage of Sinbad

I remember seeing the 7th Voyage of Sinbad as a kid and loving the stop frame animation. The skeleton's he animated in a different film were pretty amazing as well. This vinyl model kit came out a couple years ago and sat on my shelf [...]

Justice GundamZAFT Mobile Suit, ET 102

I love Gundam model kits. Bandai just loads these kits with detail and they are incredibly well engineered. Fully articulated after building and they're all press fit. I did glue parts as I was adding LEDs and won't be disassembling [...]

Space Bears

The Space Bears are a faction of the Warhammer Universe. My interpretation is based on the Ojibwe Nation of northern Wisconsin. Please check out the video and don't forget to Like and Subscribe! (link)

Ford GT40 - 1968 Le Mans winner

This is the companion piece to the Ford GT I did recently. The GT40 will eventually be a part of a diorama with the GT. This is my first Fujimi kit and overall it was a really nice kit. As you can see from the photos, it wasn't the [...]